I heard that President Obama asked Massachusetts to shelter these illegal immigrant kids
I guess that 2 out of 3 Obama Lovers are getting new neighbors. I didn't vote for this inept, incompetent, gutless wonder, so I didn't get any in my State. Thank God!
I say that we should send them all to all those wonderful spots where all the liberals go on their vacations, like the Hampton’s, Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard. And , let them pay for them.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Sunday, July 13, 2014
A Nation of Immigrants? Really?
Are we really a nation of immigrants? Or is that a load of Hog-Wash we are being told by Dear Leader? We are being told by these Progressive-Liberals that we should be happy about the current immigrant invasion because after all AMERICA IS A MELTING POT! And after all, we ARE a “Nation of immigrants.”... Are we? And if we are, should we be?
And why is it that Mexico’s illegal immigration laws are so much tougher than ours?
The way that I see it, Immigration is all but destroying the American economy! The invasion of America by illegal aliens in general but especially , this recent invasion by “Children, Kids or whatever else we are calling them” and soon to follow by their parents and the rest of their families at our borders, it is and will be hurting our country's economy, our education system will be so over loaded that it will be all bu useless, the same with our hospitals, throe in our food stamp-program, our welfare system , our housing, it will Increase crime, hurt Medicaid, decrease the funds available for entitlements and therefor hurt the Obamaphone program,, the Michelle Obama free free lunches ,and even our environmental quality, and in fact, the very culture of the United States. And bring in foreign diseases, as we are already seeing. Increase gangs and drug users and drug runners. etc. etc. and ETC! Does this make any sense?
And lets look at what the future will bring...Jobs that were usually assumed to be taken by high school kids for after-school work or summer jobs are now mostly held by illegal aliens as we see in fast-food restaurants, restaurant dishwashers, waiters, gardeners etc.. Our Hospitals are already going bankrupt because, of people not paying their bills. As well as they are giveing free medical care to non-citizens. Our Schools are overloaded and the cost of Free Lunches, teachers , books etc. is out of sight.
These people have no interest in becoming Americans, and lave no allegiance to the country that gives them all their benefits, they send their paychecks back to their native countries and they don’t pay any taxes here because the work off the books!
We don’t need Obama and his administration, or these Progressive/Commies to tell us any differently.
And why is it that Mexico’s illegal immigration laws are so much tougher than ours?
The way that I see it, Immigration is all but destroying the American economy! The invasion of America by illegal aliens in general but especially , this recent invasion by “Children, Kids or whatever else we are calling them” and soon to follow by their parents and the rest of their families at our borders, it is and will be hurting our country's economy, our education system will be so over loaded that it will be all bu useless, the same with our hospitals, throe in our food stamp-program, our welfare system , our housing, it will Increase crime, hurt Medicaid, decrease the funds available for entitlements and therefor hurt the Obamaphone program,, the Michelle Obama free free lunches ,and even our environmental quality, and in fact, the very culture of the United States. And bring in foreign diseases, as we are already seeing. Increase gangs and drug users and drug runners. etc. etc. and ETC! Does this make any sense?
And lets look at what the future will bring...Jobs that were usually assumed to be taken by high school kids for after-school work or summer jobs are now mostly held by illegal aliens as we see in fast-food restaurants, restaurant dishwashers, waiters, gardeners etc.. Our Hospitals are already going bankrupt because, of people not paying their bills. As well as they are giveing free medical care to non-citizens. Our Schools are overloaded and the cost of Free Lunches, teachers , books etc. is out of sight.
These people have no interest in becoming Americans, and lave no allegiance to the country that gives them all their benefits, they send their paychecks back to their native countries and they don’t pay any taxes here because the work off the books!
We don’t need Obama and his administration, or these Progressive/Commies to tell us any differently.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
To Sum It All Up.
It is simply depressing and beyond words that with ALL the crap-o-la going on the world, with ALL the sandals, after sandals, that are attributed to Obama and his totally INEPT administration (past and present) and that we have two and a half more years of endless streams of lies, after lies. Not to mention (but I will) the fact that with ALL this going on at home and in Iraq, Syria, Iran, and with the Obama continues to put all this aside and with Hamas, the Palestinian Terrorist organization kidnapping 3 young innocent boys one of who is an American. Coinciding with Obama’s Freeing the 5 most Dangerous Terrorists in the World, known as “Taliban Commanders” from Guantanamo Bay, for one lousy “Deserter”. 5 high ranking Taliban Terrorists, for 1 U.S. Deserter and Likely, a Traitor as well.
And in the midst of all this, Obama chooses to go on a Golf Outing followed by a fund-raising, a speech on climate change at a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Organization!
And all the Liberal’s can think about blogging about is Climate Change, and the Highway Lane Closures on the George Washington Bridge.. How much more damage can the Obama bunch inflict on the economy between now and the end of his second term
Obama is not fit to hold any office in America, especially the presidency! And Michelle is is too busy doing Jumping Jacks and eating Cheese Burgers to care.
And the media is too busy trying to tie Chris Christie to that Bridge sandal asking every question over and over again trying to get him involved with it as they just can’t seem to believe he had nothing to do with it. It seems as if this is the most Major Crisis facing America today.
And in the midst of all this, Obama chooses to go on a Golf Outing followed by a fund-raising, a speech on climate change at a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Organization!
And all the Liberal’s can think about blogging about is Climate Change, and the Highway Lane Closures on the George Washington Bridge.. How much more damage can the Obama bunch inflict on the economy between now and the end of his second term
Obama is not fit to hold any office in America, especially the presidency! And Michelle is is too busy doing Jumping Jacks and eating Cheese Burgers to care.
And the media is too busy trying to tie Chris Christie to that Bridge sandal asking every question over and over again trying to get him involved with it as they just can’t seem to believe he had nothing to do with it. It seems as if this is the most Major Crisis facing America today.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Bowe Bergdahl, Hero or Deserter?
Oh well, another week another new Obama scandal! Only this time, Obama really screw thing up! Who would have thought that Obama could be the Laughing stock of the USA? Including his own base! Who would have thought I'm losing count.
Who would have thought that President Obama would have thought trading a scandal at all, so ok, I’ll give him that....
At first Obama thought how would a trade for a American held for 5 years for 5 crumby, scummy, Taliban Goat Herders could be a bad thing?
Who would have thought that Americans wouldn’t be sharing in Obama’s so called Victory lap of Freeing this lousy undeserving Punk? OK, let us count the ways, we could start with the "birther" issue, but some won’t agree that was a “scandal”.
We certainly can list the IRS scandal, where Obama targeted his political enemies, such as Conservative and Pro-Israel groups. Pro-Israel groups? Isn’t that being bias, against Jews” Hummm.
The Justice Department performing a Associated Press Reporters’ phone record investigation.
The “Fast and Furious” scheme, that allowed weapons from the U.S. to simply “walk” across the border into the hands of Mexican drug dealers, which led to the killing of a Border Patrol Agent, and the perjury of Comrade, Eric Holder.
The Black Panthers going scot free after the voter intimidation case at a polling place in Philadelphia. When the Black Attorney General (Eric Holder) dropped the criminal case with NO voter intimidation case, and NO intimidating White voters were found, and NO one was going to be prosecuted! Sound bizarre? I would think so!
And of course the biggie, the anti-Muslim video that let to the attack in Banghazi. Where Hillary Clinton, and Susan Rice came ot and LIED to the Faces of the entire country about what had happened there where an American Ambassador and ex-SEALs were killed
And obama’s promise to “We’re going to go out and we’re going to prosecute the person that made that video,”
And then the Obama's Veterans Affairs scandal! You may say that was the most serious of all because 40 American Vet’s died waiting to see a doctor for months. And we are still seeing the effects of this one as they are still coming out with more and more details about it. ...
BUT! To have A DESERTER traded for five of the worlds most dangerous terrorists! At first Obama thought how would that be a bad thing?
Who would have thought that Americans wouldn’t be sharing in Obama’s so called Victory lap of Freeing this lousy undeserving Punk?
Given the collective anger over the exchange of five Taliban commanders for what appears to be a U.S. Army deserter, combined with the anger from the Veterans Administration scandal, one might be tempted to think that Obama would be impeached or would resign, but neither of those options will ever, ever, occur. Not with this Egotistical, Narcissistic, president! .
He’s not leaving because he doesn’t care what Americans think and only cared when the issues involved his election and re-election. . He was, after all,. He doesn’t even care what the members of Congress think, or what the Constitution says. he just does whatever he pleases and uses executive orders by working his way through federal agencies and departments.
He knows that his approval ratings can fall below 50 percent on any given day, but he has the stupidity of his liberals base accusing conservatives of being stupid, and racist, and he knows that the vast bulk of Americans are too busy trying to do whatever it takes to hold their families together, to hold onto their jobs, if they still have one, and that most do not spend much time paying attention to the issues.
On one more note!
Hillary Clinton has NOW let it be known she did not favor releasing the Taliban commanders. However, when she was the “Secretary of State Hillary she was personally involved and in favor of swapping those five Taliban Ass-holes for Bowe Bergdahl But she thought about the potential danger in the release of the prisoners just last week..
Should Hillary become the Democratic Party candidate for President, You can bet you last dollar that Hillary will put as much distance as possible between herself and Obama, as possible.Bowe Bergdahl, Hero or Deserter? So, In My Opinion, I Would Say, Most Definitely A Lousy, Stinking Defector And Traitor.
Who would have thought that President Obama would have thought trading a scandal at all, so ok, I’ll give him that....
At first Obama thought how would a trade for a American held for 5 years for 5 crumby, scummy, Taliban Goat Herders could be a bad thing?
Who would have thought that Americans wouldn’t be sharing in Obama’s so called Victory lap of Freeing this lousy undeserving Punk? OK, let us count the ways, we could start with the "birther" issue, but some won’t agree that was a “scandal”.
We certainly can list the IRS scandal, where Obama targeted his political enemies, such as Conservative and Pro-Israel groups. Pro-Israel groups? Isn’t that being bias, against Jews” Hummm.
The Justice Department performing a Associated Press Reporters’ phone record investigation.
The “Fast and Furious” scheme, that allowed weapons from the U.S. to simply “walk” across the border into the hands of Mexican drug dealers, which led to the killing of a Border Patrol Agent, and the perjury of Comrade, Eric Holder.
The Black Panthers going scot free after the voter intimidation case at a polling place in Philadelphia. When the Black Attorney General (Eric Holder) dropped the criminal case with NO voter intimidation case, and NO intimidating White voters were found, and NO one was going to be prosecuted! Sound bizarre? I would think so!
And of course the biggie, the anti-Muslim video that let to the attack in Banghazi. Where Hillary Clinton, and Susan Rice came ot and LIED to the Faces of the entire country about what had happened there where an American Ambassador and ex-SEALs were killed
And obama’s promise to “We’re going to go out and we’re going to prosecute the person that made that video,”
And then the Obama's Veterans Affairs scandal! You may say that was the most serious of all because 40 American Vet’s died waiting to see a doctor for months. And we are still seeing the effects of this one as they are still coming out with more and more details about it. ...
BUT! To have A DESERTER traded for five of the worlds most dangerous terrorists! At first Obama thought how would that be a bad thing?
Who would have thought that Americans wouldn’t be sharing in Obama’s so called Victory lap of Freeing this lousy undeserving Punk?
Given the collective anger over the exchange of five Taliban commanders for what appears to be a U.S. Army deserter, combined with the anger from the Veterans Administration scandal, one might be tempted to think that Obama would be impeached or would resign, but neither of those options will ever, ever, occur. Not with this Egotistical, Narcissistic, president! .
He’s not leaving because he doesn’t care what Americans think and only cared when the issues involved his election and re-election. . He was, after all,. He doesn’t even care what the members of Congress think, or what the Constitution says. he just does whatever he pleases and uses executive orders by working his way through federal agencies and departments.
He knows that his approval ratings can fall below 50 percent on any given day, but he has the stupidity of his liberals base accusing conservatives of being stupid, and racist, and he knows that the vast bulk of Americans are too busy trying to do whatever it takes to hold their families together, to hold onto their jobs, if they still have one, and that most do not spend much time paying attention to the issues.
On one more note!
Hillary Clinton has NOW let it be known she did not favor releasing the Taliban commanders. However, when she was the “Secretary of State Hillary she was personally involved and in favor of swapping those five Taliban Ass-holes for Bowe Bergdahl But she thought about the potential danger in the release of the prisoners just last week..
Should Hillary become the Democratic Party candidate for President, You can bet you last dollar that Hillary will put as much distance as possible between herself and Obama, as possible.Bowe Bergdahl, Hero or Deserter? So, In My Opinion, I Would Say, Most Definitely A Lousy, Stinking Defector And Traitor.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Hero or Traitor
What really pisses ME off among MANY other things about this situation is the fact that nobody has made any mention about these hero's who died trying to find this SOB deserter.
Here are their names, just in case anyone is interested.
PFC Matthew Michael Martinek
Staff Sgt. Kurt Robert Curtiss
SSG Clayton Bowen
PFC Morris Walker
SSG Michael Murphrey
2LT Darryn Andrews
But instead we see his Father wearing that HIDEOUS Taliban style beard and praising Allah and promising more Gitmo detainees to be released!
I would like to know what ever happened to "we do not negotiate with terrorists."? But now that we did and our President has set a precedent, look for more of Americans to be captured and held prisoner, so that Mr. Lair, Liar, Pants on Fire to make more of these swaps, for more Guantanamo prisoners, until Gitmo is empty and O’blabber can keep his promise and close it.. This whole situation is smelling worse by the day..
In the GOOD Ole Days a deserter would be put against the wall in front of a Firing Squad
But even if Bowe Bergdahl were to be convicted for desertion from his post prior to his “capture” by the Taliban nobody would even think him facing the death penalty.
I know that there are various penalties for varying definitions of desertion and or AWOL, and I understand that the death penalty is not even a consideration, and I’m ok with that, however, I would like to see this guy imprisoned for a long time for what he did. And I’m sick of hearing these Liberal’s pleading his case because of their love for Obama. Let it sink in to these Liberal’s sick minds that their Messiah has released five of the most dangerous terrorists in the world. And these lunatics are capable of doing anything.
Look. At. Yourselves, you selfish bastards, look at the disgusting think your Hero Obama has done. You all are morally bankrupt hypocrites, is this what this country has finally become?
Monday, June 2, 2014
So Mr. scandal-a-week Obama has done it again! Everything that this president says and does is ugly and deceitful, and smell like crap! This time HE freed the 5 most dangerous Taliban commanders from Gitmo....So much for not negotiating with terrorists. We have a very weak leader, who begs for the limelight without thinking about any of the consequences so this can be expected. Yes, getting one of our men back is good of course, no one is arguing with that, BUT while that’s a good thing the price was pretty damn high, we freed 5 of the most vicious Taliban commanders who were labeled “high risk” and Obama did this ALL on his own, never asking for Congress’s approval. Sure we ALL want to see an captured American freed, no question about it that we will see these terrorists back on the battle field killing Americans again! THAT IS THE CONSEQUENCES.
And this is a man (Bergdahl) who willingly walked away from his post, and according to US diplomatic cables, when his unit began searching for him that morning after he did not show up for roll call was said to have left his post and was captured.
And was later quoted as saying "I am ashamed to even be an American." (Sound Familiar?)
Anyway, this deal has already been made and the damage is done, and our so called Leader, the Moonbat Messiah will no doubly be taking a Victory Lap, or whatever the progressives are going to call it. And now there are 5 flea bag scumbag terrorists Free to do their dirty work who are returned to the battle field once again. It’s really that simple.
I'm sorry BUT these circumstances surrounding Bergdahl's sudden release and exchange for 5 of the most dangerous and vicious Taliban Terrorists remain to be very suspicious to me. As for his original capture, there has been some who say that he that he willingly walked away from his unit, meaning that he could be charged with being absent without leave or in other words DESERTION.
And there is proof that Bergdahl was said to have told his parents that he was "Ashamed to Even be American." Ashamed to Even be American? This is coming from a United States Marine?
No, Bergdahl is NOT a hero.
All this has happened in the wake of another one of Obama’s scandal’s, isn’t the timing interesting, could it be that this was all done to this take the focus off of the Veterans Administration Scandal? I wouldn’t put it past the LAIR in Chief at all.
And to release in exchange the guy who was “ashamed to be an American, our dear leader Barack Hussein Obama agreed to release five HIGH-LEVEL Afghan
highly dangerous and violent, dangerous, ruthless, prisoners who are known to be the most dangerous detainees at Gitmo. All this for one Deserter. from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo. Is it any surprise this is the kind of person that obama breaks every law for?
Good work Mr. president!
And this is a man (Bergdahl) who willingly walked away from his post, and according to US diplomatic cables, when his unit began searching for him that morning after he did not show up for roll call was said to have left his post and was captured.
And was later quoted as saying "I am ashamed to even be an American." (Sound Familiar?)
Anyway, this deal has already been made and the damage is done, and our so called Leader, the Moonbat Messiah will no doubly be taking a Victory Lap, or whatever the progressives are going to call it. And now there are 5 flea bag scumbag terrorists Free to do their dirty work who are returned to the battle field once again. It’s really that simple.
I'm sorry BUT these circumstances surrounding Bergdahl's sudden release and exchange for 5 of the most dangerous and vicious Taliban Terrorists remain to be very suspicious to me. As for his original capture, there has been some who say that he that he willingly walked away from his unit, meaning that he could be charged with being absent without leave or in other words DESERTION.
And there is proof that Bergdahl was said to have told his parents that he was "Ashamed to Even be American." Ashamed to Even be American? This is coming from a United States Marine?
No, Bergdahl is NOT a hero.
All this has happened in the wake of another one of Obama’s scandal’s, isn’t the timing interesting, could it be that this was all done to this take the focus off of the Veterans Administration Scandal? I wouldn’t put it past the LAIR in Chief at all.
And to release in exchange the guy who was “ashamed to be an American, our dear leader Barack Hussein Obama agreed to release five HIGH-LEVEL Afghan
highly dangerous and violent, dangerous, ruthless, prisoners who are known to be the most dangerous detainees at Gitmo. All this for one Deserter. from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo. Is it any surprise this is the kind of person that obama breaks every law for?
Good work Mr. president!
Thursday, May 22, 2014
My Daily Rant
The nightly news reported that forty veterans died while waiting to receive care from a Veterans hospital in Phoenix , and that care that was denied because of trickery, deception, deceit, deceitfulness, dishonesty, deviousness, unscrupulousness, and underhandedness!! Forty Veterans may seem like a small amount of people in comparison to the numbers of Americans who will die from the implications of Obamacare. However if any of those Forty Veterans, may have been one of you or your husband, wife, brother, or sister or Father if WOULD be very important.
So, lets face it, let’s call it like it is, let’s call a spade a spade! The fact remains that it’s the truth. The truth, IS the truth and there is NO other way about it, President Obama lied to us, he has told America some real whoppers about ObamaCare. However, he has been telling us nothing but lies about Obamacare, and now we can see, what we ALWAYS has feared about this misery called Obamacare! ObamaCare is a Miserable Failure, it isn't at all what is was cracked up to be. And "to put the icing on the cake" Obama repeatedly broke the presidential oath of office time after time by delaying or altering the law after it had been passed by Congress in 2009. He violated his oath to preserve the Constitution... He lied, and lied, and lied, and many of those some poor, dumb souls actually fell for it. And it wasn’t a white lie. It wasn’t a fib. It wasn’t a half truth. IT WAS A BOLD-FACED LIE.
“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”
That statement turned out to be a lie. Period.
Last week I wrote a piece in my Church community newspaper asking if anyone had faced any hardships as a result of ObamaCare. The response was overwhelming. I received about a hundred replies – from small business owners, nurses, doctors, electricians, stay-at-home moms, and yes, even military personnel. Every single person said they had been adversely affected by President Obama’s signature legislation
I find it absolutely despicable that Mr. Obama, his administration and the elected officials who shoved this mandate down the throat of Americans are now giving THEMSELVES waivers. The president is also giving his friends waivers. Mr. Obama’s behavior mirrors that of a captain jumping overboard, abandoning his own sinking ship!
My theory is NO ONE promoting this farce ever read it or knew what it contained...
Remember Pelosi’s famous health care remark? “You have to vote for it so that you can read it” “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it” ...
All they cared about is creating millions of new entitlement slaves. Obama has lied about everything he stood for from his campaign promises to Obamacare!
Obummer and other democrats are sitting on their hands going all over the country fund raising, playing Golf and Basketball and going to Hip-Hop concerts and expensive New York restaurants and spending Millions of our Dollars flying allover in Air Force One going to “Fund Raisers” campaigns for State Campaigns, and Hollywood parties and calling them "Fund Raisers" rubbing elbows with the Hollywood elite. Sending our First Moocher on those obnoxious $100 million vacation and sending hundreds of millions of dollars to our enemies the Muslim Brotherhood. While you and I and Millions of other Americans can't even pay our Mortgages.
If Obummer wants to Campaign for himself or for someone else, some of the money he raises should go to pay for his trip! It costs us MILLIONS every day for these trips! That's YOUR MONEY, and that's MY MONEY! So Wake up you stupid, sheep!
Obummer ONLY says what the crowd he is talking to at the time wants to hear and then goes to another group and says the exact opposite! He is a Liar you know it and I know it.
OK, now you can go ahead and call me a Racist! Who cares!
So, lets face it, let’s call it like it is, let’s call a spade a spade! The fact remains that it’s the truth. The truth, IS the truth and there is NO other way about it, President Obama lied to us, he has told America some real whoppers about ObamaCare. However, he has been telling us nothing but lies about Obamacare, and now we can see, what we ALWAYS has feared about this misery called Obamacare! ObamaCare is a Miserable Failure, it isn't at all what is was cracked up to be. And "to put the icing on the cake" Obama repeatedly broke the presidential oath of office time after time by delaying or altering the law after it had been passed by Congress in 2009. He violated his oath to preserve the Constitution... He lied, and lied, and lied, and many of those some poor, dumb souls actually fell for it. And it wasn’t a white lie. It wasn’t a fib. It wasn’t a half truth. IT WAS A BOLD-FACED LIE.
“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”
That statement turned out to be a lie. Period.
Last week I wrote a piece in my Church community newspaper asking if anyone had faced any hardships as a result of ObamaCare. The response was overwhelming. I received about a hundred replies – from small business owners, nurses, doctors, electricians, stay-at-home moms, and yes, even military personnel. Every single person said they had been adversely affected by President Obama’s signature legislation
I find it absolutely despicable that Mr. Obama, his administration and the elected officials who shoved this mandate down the throat of Americans are now giving THEMSELVES waivers. The president is also giving his friends waivers. Mr. Obama’s behavior mirrors that of a captain jumping overboard, abandoning his own sinking ship!
My theory is NO ONE promoting this farce ever read it or knew what it contained...
Remember Pelosi’s famous health care remark? “You have to vote for it so that you can read it” “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it” ...
All they cared about is creating millions of new entitlement slaves. Obama has lied about everything he stood for from his campaign promises to Obamacare!
Obummer and other democrats are sitting on their hands going all over the country fund raising, playing Golf and Basketball and going to Hip-Hop concerts and expensive New York restaurants and spending Millions of our Dollars flying allover in Air Force One going to “Fund Raisers” campaigns for State Campaigns, and Hollywood parties and calling them "Fund Raisers" rubbing elbows with the Hollywood elite. Sending our First Moocher on those obnoxious $100 million vacation and sending hundreds of millions of dollars to our enemies the Muslim Brotherhood. While you and I and Millions of other Americans can't even pay our Mortgages.
If Obummer wants to Campaign for himself or for someone else, some of the money he raises should go to pay for his trip! It costs us MILLIONS every day for these trips! That's YOUR MONEY, and that's MY MONEY! So Wake up you stupid, sheep!
Obummer ONLY says what the crowd he is talking to at the time wants to hear and then goes to another group and says the exact opposite! He is a Liar you know it and I know it.
OK, now you can go ahead and call me a Racist! Who cares!
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi! Hell YES, we want answers! And we won’t be silenced!
YES! Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi! Hell YES, we want answers!
We had 4 of our people savagely Murdered by Terrorists! Ambassador Chris Stevens was a Good and Patriot American appointed by this administration. Ty Woods served in the special forces for over 20 years. People like this, though, are nothing more than useful idiots to elites such as Obama and Hillary Clinton. Stevens was tortured and brutally murdered during the attack. Woods fought courageously to fend off the attack and save his fellow countrymen. And people wonder why many of us simply despise the likes of Obama and Clinton. And these leftist Idiots want us to forget them and “Move on?” Move on to what? More Lies and more cover ups, and more scandals? You all know as well as I that the the Benghazi massacre was a cover-up from the start to the finish, and that Obama and Clinton, and the others are lying .
Hell YES, we want answers! And we won’t be silenced!
We had 4 of our people savagely Murdered by Terrorists! Ambassador Chris Stevens was a Good and Patriot American appointed by this administration. Ty Woods served in the special forces for over 20 years. People like this, though, are nothing more than useful idiots to elites such as Obama and Hillary Clinton. Stevens was tortured and brutally murdered during the attack. Woods fought courageously to fend off the attack and save his fellow countrymen. And people wonder why many of us simply despise the likes of Obama and Clinton. And these leftist Idiots want us to forget them and “Move on?” Move on to what? More Lies and more cover ups, and more scandals? You all know as well as I that the the Benghazi massacre was a cover-up from the start to the finish, and that Obama and Clinton, and the others are lying .
Hell YES, we want answers! And we won’t be silenced!
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Fighting for Freedom of Speech In America
I do understand Condoleezza Rice's decision to bow out, but I regret it. We Conservative’s and Conservative speakers must not back down because of a few dumb-assed noisy Liberals or there won’t be any Conservative speakers to give their point of view. . Any time a Conservative is invited, it is always the same three ring circus with all the clowns protesting.
This is America for crying out loud! ... what happened to Condi’s right to speak, because of a few Liberal ignorant students ? Does Free Speech only apply to legal immigrants these days! And let's not forget that this is the same university where a crowd of thousands applauded Snooki’of Jersey Shore!
I have a perfect replacement for her. Let them invite Hillary, she could talk about how a mysterious video was responsible for killing four Americans in Benghazi, and how she is being blamed along with her Comrade Susan Rice by the vast right wing conspiracy.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
What Exactly Is the Libtard’s Idea of What Freedom of Speech Is?
There was a time, and it wasn’t too long ago when we could say whatever we wanted to and say it freely, without fears. We could speak our ideas freely. We feared no one. We stood for the idea of American with Liberty and Justice for all. But unfortunately it doesn't work that way anymore. Our own president betrayed us. . The so called “American Free” press has betrayed us . We all know what happened in Germany in the 1930's and 40's, and we American people thought that it could never happen here! Well take a good look, it is happening. But will it continue to happen? Will we soon become the Socialist State that Omama is pushing us to? Who know? Fortunately Obama will soon be just a remembrance of bad history that tried but failed because we made a big mistake when we elected him. . He tried to eliminate the freedoms of our country, and lets hope that he fails at that as well. But standing in the wings is Hillary Clinton, someone who isn’t much better at that game.
Is freedom of speech already a thing of the past in America? Is Freedom of speech in America already DEAD?
Think about it!
Think about Paula Deen, where was her Freedom of Speech?
Where was Donald Sterling's Freedom of Speech? Where was his First Amendment freedom of expression? OK, what he said was ugly, and racist, but he said to in his own home on his one telephone! Who the hell are we to take that right away from him? Like what he said or not, that is NOT the question, didn’t he have the right to be a Bigot? Don’t you have every right in America to Hate, and say that you hate? I always thought you did. I always thought they here in America you have the right to be a racist if you wanted to. He didn’t fire anyone because of their race or color! So how can the fine him and take away his team? His business? That reminds me of Germany! Why can’t a man that owns a Chicken Joint donate his own money to whoever he pleases?
The Donald Sterling incident was yet another example of what is happening to our First Amendment's protection of speech. If the First Amendment guarantee the of freedom to speak one's mind without government restriction or penalty, then how can the impose a penalty as they did? I guess Donald Sterling is not allowed to use his First Amendment rights if it is a negative remark about Blacks.
OK, I do understand the difference between a private business, and the Government. And that a private business is owned and operated by the business owner, not the government, and therefor all bets are off. But is that the American way?
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
First Amendment? My Ass! There Isn't Any First Amendment
Sorry folks, these PC idiots on the Left have forced me to be on the side of people like Sterling, Chick-fil-a. and Paula Deen and Don Imus, etc. Why?
Not because I agree with what they said, but to defend their right to say whatever they want, especially in this guys case when he said what he did say in his own home on his own phone. But was set-up by that little Tramp and her Co-conspirator Magic Johnson.
Free speech in this country doesn't need the approval of anybody, and lest of all a bunch of 7 foot thugs! If a man can’t say WHATEVER he wants to in the privacy of his OWN home, the we DON’T have Free Speech at all. Our first amendment rights are GONE!
And silly me, I always thought that the First Amendment guaranteed your right to free speech. If so, then WHAT WAS HE FINED 2.5 MILLION DOLLARS FOR? What did he do to deserve that? And how can they Ban him from going to the games, when he owns the team?
Ducky said: “Having Cuban on your side isn't necessarily something to relish on your side isn't necessarily something to relish.”
Well Ducky, your wrong again! If Marc Cuban IS on the side of Free Speech, then I DO “relish” what he said!
Mark Cuban said in effect after the punishment of Donald Sterling by the NBA, "In this country, people are allowed to be morons." Or stupid, or even Bigoted!
So tell me folks, does all this mean that all the Basketball players, and the Football players, and the Rappers, and the Black Comedians are going to stop using the “N” word? And stop calling Whites “Crackers”? Well maybe they will, FOR A WEEK!
And why was that assfaced, race pimp Jessie Jackson at the game yesterday? Did he suddenly become a Basketball fan? He claimed that he was there to show a "symbolic expression" to protest the statements made by team owner Donald Sterling. I say he was there to stirring the pot and to throw Fuel on the Flames of the situation!
When will this end? And when will this double standard end? Not in my lifetime, I'm sure!
Not because I agree with what they said, but to defend their right to say whatever they want, especially in this guys case when he said what he did say in his own home on his own phone. But was set-up by that little Tramp and her Co-conspirator Magic Johnson.
Free speech in this country doesn't need the approval of anybody, and lest of all a bunch of 7 foot thugs! If a man can’t say WHATEVER he wants to in the privacy of his OWN home, the we DON’T have Free Speech at all. Our first amendment rights are GONE!
And silly me, I always thought that the First Amendment guaranteed your right to free speech. If so, then WHAT WAS HE FINED 2.5 MILLION DOLLARS FOR? What did he do to deserve that? And how can they Ban him from going to the games, when he owns the team?
Ducky said: “Having Cuban on your side isn't necessarily something to relish on your side isn't necessarily something to relish.”
Well Ducky, your wrong again! If Marc Cuban IS on the side of Free Speech, then I DO “relish” what he said!
Mark Cuban said in effect after the punishment of Donald Sterling by the NBA, "In this country, people are allowed to be morons." Or stupid, or even Bigoted!
So tell me folks, does all this mean that all the Basketball players, and the Football players, and the Rappers, and the Black Comedians are going to stop using the “N” word? And stop calling Whites “Crackers”? Well maybe they will, FOR A WEEK!
And why was that assfaced, race pimp Jessie Jackson at the game yesterday? Did he suddenly become a Basketball fan? He claimed that he was there to show a "symbolic expression" to protest the statements made by team owner Donald Sterling. I say he was there to stirring the pot and to throw Fuel on the Flames of the situation!
When will this end? And when will this double standard end? Not in my lifetime, I'm sure!
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Maybe We Should Boycott Basketball!
The latest distraction from the list of failures, scandals, and the horrific job performance that Obama is doing, is the story about a LIBERAL BILLIONAIRE Basketball Team owner named Donald Sterling’s Racist Remark. So why is Donald Sterling’s Racism Big News?
It's a distraction of course! Yes, from Obama, the President who seems to love to make statements about Blacks in the news, like, Henry Louis Gates, the University Professor at Harvard, theTrayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case, and now Donald Sterling but he can’t seem utter a word about the IRS scandal, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, etc. Anything to take the focus from Benghazi and IRS, and the rest of Obama’s scandals.
Shame on Donald Sterling for failing to uphold standards of the Political Correct Police..
Maybe us dumb crackers don’t understand this so please tell me where I’m wrong!
But isn’t there more important issues, for the President of the United States to be concerned with then a senile 80 year old billion dollar team owner fighting with a bunch of uneducated overpaid athletes that get paid millions, because they played Basketball in the Getto schoolyards for hours and hours. And they just happened to be born 7 foot freaks!. Otherwise most of them would not have gotten out of 2nd grade.
Oh yes I almost forgot, He Did Impose Some New Sanctions on Russia Last Week, how much can I ask for!!
Sterling apparently doesn’t like black people, OK, is that a Crime? Is that any reason to keep this freaken story on the front pages of every newspaper on every news report on the radio, on television, and every other place I go?
Pretty soon their going to want to make anything said about a Back person a Hate crime, it’s plainly obvious.
My question is why should I care how Donald Sterling feels about blacks? And my answer to that is, I really don’t! I don’t care the least. But I do care about the lynching he is getting in the press etc. etc. and etc. for expressing his own opinion in his own home on his own telephone, and having his private conversations taped.
Sterling is clearly a bigot there is no argument or disagreement there ..
Unfortunately, the politically correct Professional race baiters like Sharpton and Obama have of course, jumped into their professionally offended black person mode. They smell either dollars or political coverage out of this latest media invention. Do not expect this to go away until the NBA forces Sterling to give up his team, and throw a hefty fine at him. And that is exactly what will happen. Yes, even here in the USA, where you once were able to say whatever you wanted to.
Is he worse or more dangerous than the racist maggots like Jay Z, Snoop Dogg, Spike Lee, or that Buffone Al Sharpton and the rest of those creeps? And the latest is that the former NY Knick Larry Johnson is calling for a all Black Basketball League... Isn’t that sweet. And Charles Barkley said that the NBA is a "black league" and it's time that they had some representation of their own.
And they say that only whites can be Racist
It's a distraction of course! Yes, from Obama, the President who seems to love to make statements about Blacks in the news, like, Henry Louis Gates, the University Professor at Harvard, theTrayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case, and now Donald Sterling but he can’t seem utter a word about the IRS scandal, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, etc. Anything to take the focus from Benghazi and IRS, and the rest of Obama’s scandals.
Shame on Donald Sterling for failing to uphold standards of the Political Correct Police..
Maybe us dumb crackers don’t understand this so please tell me where I’m wrong!
But isn’t there more important issues, for the President of the United States to be concerned with then a senile 80 year old billion dollar team owner fighting with a bunch of uneducated overpaid athletes that get paid millions, because they played Basketball in the Getto schoolyards for hours and hours. And they just happened to be born 7 foot freaks!. Otherwise most of them would not have gotten out of 2nd grade.
Oh yes I almost forgot, He Did Impose Some New Sanctions on Russia Last Week, how much can I ask for!!
Sterling apparently doesn’t like black people, OK, is that a Crime? Is that any reason to keep this freaken story on the front pages of every newspaper on every news report on the radio, on television, and every other place I go?
Pretty soon their going to want to make anything said about a Back person a Hate crime, it’s plainly obvious.
My question is why should I care how Donald Sterling feels about blacks? And my answer to that is, I really don’t! I don’t care the least. But I do care about the lynching he is getting in the press etc. etc. and etc. for expressing his own opinion in his own home on his own telephone, and having his private conversations taped.
Sterling is clearly a bigot there is no argument or disagreement there ..
Unfortunately, the politically correct Professional race baiters like Sharpton and Obama have of course, jumped into their professionally offended black person mode. They smell either dollars or political coverage out of this latest media invention. Do not expect this to go away until the NBA forces Sterling to give up his team, and throw a hefty fine at him. And that is exactly what will happen. Yes, even here in the USA, where you once were able to say whatever you wanted to.
Is he worse or more dangerous than the racist maggots like Jay Z, Snoop Dogg, Spike Lee, or that Buffone Al Sharpton and the rest of those creeps? And the latest is that the former NY Knick Larry Johnson is calling for a all Black Basketball League... Isn’t that sweet. And Charles Barkley said that the NBA is a "black league" and it's time that they had some representation of their own.
And they say that only whites can be Racist
Monday, April 28, 2014
Vladimir Lenin once said “A lie told or repeated often enough soon becomes the truth
And we all know that Obama knows his Lenin. And that is no lie!
Lenin, Stalin, Obama, Eric Holder Bill and Hillary Clinton. “What Difference Does It make”!
This president's past history is totally based on lies. Right from day one when he had sealed his papers so no one can learn the truth about his background,or see his Birth Certificate. At this point it doesn’t make any difference if the Certificate was true or Fake. The point is that this president went through a lot of trouble trying to hide it. And that’s NO lie. .
We all know that once someone lies, especially someone that we should be trusting above anyone else, they then find it much easier to lie again a second time and then a third time, and again and again until it becomes habitual; he or she tells lies without thinking about it. And soon without anyone in the world believing it.
Hillary Clinton called it "Miss Speaking"! Oops, I Misspoke About That Bosnia Experience ... when she spoke about her and her crew landing in Bosnia “under sniper fire." When it was CLEAR and proved by Video footage that there was NO no visible threat from “sniper fire” at all. In fact the video showed her and her daughter Chelsea at a greeting ceremony on the tarmac. They were greeted by a little Bosnian girl reading them a poem. Hillary and Chelsea even paused to take pictures.
When this falsehood of the tongue was questioned by the press and Chelsea was asked about what happened, she said, "I support what my Mother said," and backed up Hillary’s LIE!
Which brings us back to President Obama’s now famous lying and repeating it several times to secure support for the Affordable Care Act –“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan”!
Obama said in a campaign speech that his father served in World War 2. Oh Yeah Right! The communist Kenyan was 9 years old when that war ended., so he must have been the YOUNGEST soldier who ever served. And how about “I Promises to Close Guantanamo Bay” Still waiting!
Obama has mounted monuments of lies. And the Mother of ALL Lies, and the most blatant lie was prior to the 2012 elections, when he claimed that the Sept. 11 attack that killed our Ambassador to Libya and three Seals acting as security personnel was a “spontaneous demonstration” based on a video regarding Mohammed.
Yes, they were Brutally Killed after they repeatedly ask for more help and security, and the rescue never came
As we know, that was a blatant lie, but in her testimony before a congressional committee then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton famously asked “What difference does it make?”
Obama’s lies go all the back to his Oath of Office in January of 2009, when he said,
“I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
The constant lies that sets the Obama administration above anyone else continued throughout his 2nd term in office, lets not forget Lois Lerner, on leave from the Internal Revenue Service and likely subject to a contempt of Congress citation after it has become obvious that she was a key player in the deliberate effort to deny tax exempt status to “Conservatives”, “The Tea Party”, Israeli Organizations, and other Conservative organizations that need it to raise funds.
Also let us remember that the Attorney General has already been slapped with a contempt of Congress citation after refusing to give up documents regarding the “Fast and Furious” program that put guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartels. all lead back to Our Dear Leader, the Liar in Chief Barack Obama.
But our dear friends, the Liberals always defend Obama by bringing up “Bush Lied”.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Is This What They Meant When They Spoke About “Hope and Change” Is This an Example of Progress and Change?
This is NOT about a wealthy man, not about a plantation owner that owned
slaves not about a man who is anti American. But that somehow don’t
get through to these
useful idiot liberals. It doesn’t seem to matter to these deaf and dumb Libatard Tree-huggers that his family has worked this ranch in an area that no one and no one has ever before worked. It is pure desert. No slaves, no Indians (excuse me, I meant Native Americans), it’s not about the gays or lesbians, it’s about a man that ran this ranch his entire life until the government INCLUDING Harry Reid was set on taking it. Tell me I am wrong Mr. or Miss liberal.
Yes, now it's coming out that pathetic 'Dirty' Harry Reid and his son is involved in this crooked deal. It seems that Dirty Dingy Harry and the Chinese Government are making a Land Grab. Not surprising though, Harry Reid is well known for his corruption and shady real estate deals.
So the bottom line is that if Harry Reid can get away with making a deal with a land swap to make money off land that belonged to us the American people, then I say Mr.Bundy can do so also.
Now we have a Rancher standing up to Big Government
Lets not let theses communists, fascists, socialist criminals and the assortment of characters who live in a fantasy world get away with doing this.
useful idiot liberals. It doesn’t seem to matter to these deaf and dumb Libatard Tree-huggers that his family has worked this ranch in an area that no one and no one has ever before worked. It is pure desert. No slaves, no Indians (excuse me, I meant Native Americans), it’s not about the gays or lesbians, it’s about a man that ran this ranch his entire life until the government INCLUDING Harry Reid was set on taking it. Tell me I am wrong Mr. or Miss liberal.
Yes, now it's coming out that pathetic 'Dirty' Harry Reid and his son is involved in this crooked deal. It seems that Dirty Dingy Harry and the Chinese Government are making a Land Grab. Not surprising though, Harry Reid is well known for his corruption and shady real estate deals.
So the bottom line is that if Harry Reid can get away with making a deal with a land swap to make money off land that belonged to us the American people, then I say Mr.Bundy can do so also.
Now we have a Rancher standing up to Big Government
Lets not let theses communists, fascists, socialist criminals and the assortment of characters who live in a fantasy world get away with doing this.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Hillary Clinton the Butcher of Benghazi
Isn’t it too bad that our LEFTIST media doesn't give Pat Smith the mother of Sean Smith, one of the American soldier’s who was killed in the Benghazi attacks, the same amount of coverage and support they gave Cindy Sheehan every time she farted during George Bush's second term. But then again....”What difference does it make at this point”? The Traffic jam on the George Washington bridge is much more important to report on.
They already know damn well who the people are who were responsible, but its not enough, now it’s a witch hunt for Christie. Boy would it have been nice to see the Jackass Democrat flakes do the same for Ambassador Stevens' family and other family members of our Benghazi hero's.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Why did it take 2 years for the Obama Admin To Label Boko Haram a Terrorist Organization?
Because our Dear Secretary of State Hillary Klintoon , the one that Obama called “Wonderful” refuse to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist organization! But now that someone else has the job, she’s singing a totally different tune, saying that it’s “abominable, and it’s criminal, and that it IS an act of terrorism and it really merits the fullest response possible” Well DUH! And to quote Her Thighness herself, “What difference at this point would it have made”?
And the “Progressives” want a Clinton Presidency? Won’t these leftist nut cases ever learn for the past?
And now the whole wold is shocked that anyone or any group would be so damn brazen and cruel to be abducting hundreds of innocent young girls. So shocked that even our First lady has been running around with that Sad Face being photographed hold up those ridicules Bring Back Our Girls hashtag signs cardboard signs.

Monday, January 27, 2014
Please Wake Me Up From This Dream,,,, (Nightmare)
Isn’t it funny how putting Panties on the heads of Terrorists gets the Libs so mad...BUT dead Ambassador’s and dead Navy Seals don’t!
Obama is incapable of telling the truth. Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice should be kicked out of Public Life for lying to the American public! And for collaborating, along with spreading Obama’s lies!
And how could anyone even consider wanting Hillary Clinton to be the President of the United States? How could this serial liar ever be trusted?
Please Wake Me Up From This Dream,,,, or should I say, Nightmare!
Obama is incapable of telling the truth. Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice should be kicked out of Public Life for lying to the American public! And for collaborating, along with spreading Obama’s lies!
And how could anyone even consider wanting Hillary Clinton to be the President of the United States? How could this serial liar ever be trusted?
Please Wake Me Up From This Dream,,,, or should I say, Nightmare!
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Bridgegate Vs.Benghazigate!
Isn’t it funny how entertaining the latest scandal is that the press is and redirecting their attention away from Gatesgate towards Bridgegate?
Just when Robert Gates just dropped a bombshell on Obama and a Atom Bomb on Biden. On my eyes, This is really a big f***ing deal , much bigger than a Fat Guy and a Bridge. Look, the president needs to find an issue to deflect on. This is what he's good at. I mean Benghazi is getting to be Boring.. Just ask the relatives of the 4 DEAD Americans!
But, but, how can that be? Didn't the New York Times already tell us the conclusion to their “Investigation” about a week ago, and assured us all that the government had told the truth all along? And that there wasn’t anything to cover up at all?
Yes they did, but we all know that wasn’t so. We all know exactly what happened that day. And we also all know that our dear leader has be lying about it from day one.
But if you ask the lefties, or should I call tem the “Progressives” as they want to be called, but the truth is they are Communists and afraid to use the proper nomenclature, they'll tell you there was no scandal. What has the government has done since the attack? And please don’t tell us that it’s nobody's interests except Hillary Clinton and Barak Obamas. It IS in our interest! I want to know what is MY Country, and MY President doing to protect the interest and the lives of Americans over seas! .
Both Hillary and Omama blamed a bogus You Tube video, period. And Hillary sacrificed Chris Stevens as a lamb and to tie up loose ends, by just trying to silent those survivors from talking to the press, until they all got their LIE rehearsed. .
And to this very day the White House refuses to tell anyone where and what Hillary and Obama was doing while these Men were dying in Benghazi. But we DO KNOW is that the next day the Campaigner in Chief was off to Las Vegas!
The obvious conclusion is that at the end of the day, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Barack Obama were ALL lying to the American People. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton make one hell of a team. If you need a team of PATHOLOGICAL LIARS they’re the first ones you should call.
Just when Robert Gates just dropped a bombshell on Obama and a Atom Bomb on Biden. On my eyes, This is really a big f***ing deal , much bigger than a Fat Guy and a Bridge. Look, the president needs to find an issue to deflect on. This is what he's good at. I mean Benghazi is getting to be Boring.. Just ask the relatives of the 4 DEAD Americans!
But, but, how can that be? Didn't the New York Times already tell us the conclusion to their “Investigation” about a week ago, and assured us all that the government had told the truth all along? And that there wasn’t anything to cover up at all?
Yes they did, but we all know that wasn’t so. We all know exactly what happened that day. And we also all know that our dear leader has be lying about it from day one.
But if you ask the lefties, or should I call tem the “Progressives” as they want to be called, but the truth is they are Communists and afraid to use the proper nomenclature, they'll tell you there was no scandal. What has the government has done since the attack? And please don’t tell us that it’s nobody's interests except Hillary Clinton and Barak Obamas. It IS in our interest! I want to know what is MY Country, and MY President doing to protect the interest and the lives of Americans over seas! .
Both Hillary and Omama blamed a bogus You Tube video, period. And Hillary sacrificed Chris Stevens as a lamb and to tie up loose ends, by just trying to silent those survivors from talking to the press, until they all got their LIE rehearsed. .
And to this very day the White House refuses to tell anyone where and what Hillary and Obama was doing while these Men were dying in Benghazi. But we DO KNOW is that the next day the Campaigner in Chief was off to Las Vegas!
The obvious conclusion is that at the end of the day, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Barack Obama were ALL lying to the American People. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton make one hell of a team. If you need a team of PATHOLOGICAL LIARS they’re the first ones you should call.
Monday, January 6, 2014
The Liberal Duck Dynasty Hypocrisy
The hypocrisy of PC liberals is astounding with a obviously complete lack of logic ... Let alone the Duck Dynasty Phil. Robertson case, bu the injustice of the George Zimmerman trial and how if Treyvon had been the shooter it would have been a completely different story for sure. They actually would have just let Treyvon off the hook from the get-go, not trial, no reward for finding him Dead or Alive, NO NOTHING!
I always thought that Liberals were supposed to be defenders of freedom of speech in America!
Or take the case of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, again the typical liberal view of the world the worst possible sin is hypocrisy. Liberals have managed to inoculate themselves against charges of hypocrisy by not expounding any moral principles. So when Bill Clinton cheated on his wife it wasn’t hypocritical, and hence he wasn’t a bad person, because he’d never condemned adultery, it was simply a case of “It all depends on what the meaning of the word is is”
Give me a break! How can anyone come up with an excuse like that one? AND GET AWAY WITH IT!
Was THAT actually a genius play on words. while admitting nothing.? No it was just a stupid response that in any other court of law would not even have been allowed.
He committed perjury. Period.. That is NOT acceptable. In fact, it's illegal. Any decent human being would have admitted it and gone on. And in any other court he would have been a Laughing Stock! Come on were do they get these clowns at the dollar store? And to this very day, the call this man a "Great man"? More Liberal Hypocrisy!
I remember when Americans believed in the First Amendment, Do we really need to punish everybody who says what they believe? The Liberals have no problem with what Bill Maher says, or is it because everything stupid he says is anti Conservative, and anti Sarah Palin, and that’s alright! Double standards lives again. But make a negative comment on homosexuality, or about Blacks, or about Muslims and you are now found Guilty of being a Bigot and Racist. But posting Cartoons picturing George Bush as a Chimpanzee is cool!
Attention liberals: the more you keep insisting that conservatives hate everyone, the more you make asses of yourselves.
I always thought that Liberals were supposed to be defenders of freedom of speech in America!
Or take the case of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, again the typical liberal view of the world the worst possible sin is hypocrisy. Liberals have managed to inoculate themselves against charges of hypocrisy by not expounding any moral principles. So when Bill Clinton cheated on his wife it wasn’t hypocritical, and hence he wasn’t a bad person, because he’d never condemned adultery, it was simply a case of “It all depends on what the meaning of the word is is”
Give me a break! How can anyone come up with an excuse like that one? AND GET AWAY WITH IT!
Was THAT actually a genius play on words. while admitting nothing.? No it was just a stupid response that in any other court of law would not even have been allowed.
He committed perjury. Period.. That is NOT acceptable. In fact, it's illegal. Any decent human being would have admitted it and gone on. And in any other court he would have been a Laughing Stock! Come on were do they get these clowns at the dollar store? And to this very day, the call this man a "Great man"? More Liberal Hypocrisy!
I remember when Americans believed in the First Amendment, Do we really need to punish everybody who says what they believe? The Liberals have no problem with what Bill Maher says, or is it because everything stupid he says is anti Conservative, and anti Sarah Palin, and that’s alright! Double standards lives again. But make a negative comment on homosexuality, or about Blacks, or about Muslims and you are now found Guilty of being a Bigot and Racist. But posting Cartoons picturing George Bush as a Chimpanzee is cool!
Attention liberals: the more you keep insisting that conservatives hate everyone, the more you make asses of yourselves.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
An Investigation by the New York Times...Well That Should Certainly Settle it!! Not!
To hear it what the New York Times has to say about their “Investigation” regarding the attacks in Benghazi is like hearing about Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust!
Patricia Smith, mother of MURDERED Sean Smith, testified that she met with President Obama, Joe Biden, and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the day the four Americans’ bodies were returned to American soil. Mrs.Smith says that the three and lied to her about the cause of the attack.
she said “they were all lies. Obama, and Hillary, and Panetta, and Biden, and Susan Rice all came up to me at the casket ceremony. Every one of them came up to, gave me a big hug. And I asked them ‘What happened? Please tell me.’ And EVERY one of them says, ‘It was the video.’ And we all know that it wasn’t the video. Even at at time they knew it wasn’t the video. So they all lied to me.”
I guess that they DIDN’T all have Sons that looked like Trayvon Martin.
The NY Times, LIED just like the political thugs in the White House and in other high offices to cover it up, they were lies after lies just to cover up the unconscionable actions and total disrespect displayed by the Dear Leader and his cohorts who watched the Benghazi Attack in REAL TIME and DID NOTHING!
Yes, Barack Hussain Obama and Hillary Clinton stood before the caskets of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three slaughtered American heroes, three former Navy Seals, killed (MURDERED) in Benghazi, and lied directly to the American people!
Incredible? Unspeakable? You bet it was! Obama and Company knew right from the start the attack on Benghazi was a terrorist act, he watched the attacks unfold and they did absolutely nothing. None of them!
So if you even think of believing that NY Times so called “Investigation” and you aren’t pissed off as well, you are completely blind, or completely Brain Washed!
And EVERY AMERICAN should remember this failure to do anything about those who attacked our people that night and remember it VERY clearly when Hillary Clinton is running for the presidency.
What pisses ME off is that the Liberals seemed to be more concerned about the Americans putting Panties on the heads terrorist at Abu Ghraib then about what happened in Benghazi! Or was it because it was Bush was in offices rather than Obama!
Regarding the newest attack of the bombing of a hotel in Mogadishu, it seems as if the Muslims find joy in the murdering of innocent people in the name of their Idiotic, and Satanic Religion of Peace. Have we ever seen or heard of any condemnation of these acts from those Muslims who claim to be so peaceful? NO, in fact it’s unheard of because all non-Muslims are infidels who should be killed! And the killers of these heinous acts are labeled as Martyrs. What a Religion of Peace!
And the Fact Remains that these murderous cowards will keep it up all over the world, not just in Somalia, and not just in Benghazi, and not just in New York City, but all over the world. Until we get rid of these leeches in Washington, these PC Pussies who can’t seem to find their behinds with two hands and a Compass. And put our foot down, stop pandering to these Muslims and go after them with all the might that this country has. What is it going to take to wake up these so called “Leaders” of ours? These Islamic terrorist’s have no problems destroying their own countries and people, along with ours and so many others . And what do we do? We send money to them in foreign aid! We release the Islamic terrorist thugs that we have captured and they run like rats back to the battle field to kill our troops all over again!! What the hell is wrong with us. ,. Our government is full of widespread illiteracy, and lunatics. And these liberals blogs believe these idiotic stories like the New York Times “Investigation” of the Benghazi attack. And stories about these people here wanting more and more Gun Control! News Alert! We already have Gun Control, but the crimes are NOT committed by people who are licensed, they are committed by thugs, criminals, people who get guns ILLEGALLY!
Yes, this story makes you think about what the New York Times has to say about their “Investigation” regarding the attack in Benghazi is like hearing about Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust! Two of MY Pet Peeves!
Yes, just more tolerance from that Religion of Peace and Tolerance. Or the religion of Lying Murdering Satanist Muslims. Judge them and our leaders by their actions not their Lies!

Patricia Smith, mother of MURDERED Sean Smith, testified that she met with President Obama, Joe Biden, and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the day the four Americans’ bodies were returned to American soil. Mrs.Smith says that the three and lied to her about the cause of the attack.
she said “they were all lies. Obama, and Hillary, and Panetta, and Biden, and Susan Rice all came up to me at the casket ceremony. Every one of them came up to, gave me a big hug. And I asked them ‘What happened? Please tell me.’ And EVERY one of them says, ‘It was the video.’ And we all know that it wasn’t the video. Even at at time they knew it wasn’t the video. So they all lied to me.”
I guess that they DIDN’T all have Sons that looked like Trayvon Martin.
The NY Times, LIED just like the political thugs in the White House and in other high offices to cover it up, they were lies after lies just to cover up the unconscionable actions and total disrespect displayed by the Dear Leader and his cohorts who watched the Benghazi Attack in REAL TIME and DID NOTHING!
Yes, Barack Hussain Obama and Hillary Clinton stood before the caskets of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three slaughtered American heroes, three former Navy Seals, killed (MURDERED) in Benghazi, and lied directly to the American people!
Incredible? Unspeakable? You bet it was! Obama and Company knew right from the start the attack on Benghazi was a terrorist act, he watched the attacks unfold and they did absolutely nothing. None of them!
So if you even think of believing that NY Times so called “Investigation” and you aren’t pissed off as well, you are completely blind, or completely Brain Washed!
And EVERY AMERICAN should remember this failure to do anything about those who attacked our people that night and remember it VERY clearly when Hillary Clinton is running for the presidency.
What pisses ME off is that the Liberals seemed to be more concerned about the Americans putting Panties on the heads terrorist at Abu Ghraib then about what happened in Benghazi! Or was it because it was Bush was in offices rather than Obama!
Regarding the newest attack of the bombing of a hotel in Mogadishu, it seems as if the Muslims find joy in the murdering of innocent people in the name of their Idiotic, and Satanic Religion of Peace. Have we ever seen or heard of any condemnation of these acts from those Muslims who claim to be so peaceful? NO, in fact it’s unheard of because all non-Muslims are infidels who should be killed! And the killers of these heinous acts are labeled as Martyrs. What a Religion of Peace!
And the Fact Remains that these murderous cowards will keep it up all over the world, not just in Somalia, and not just in Benghazi, and not just in New York City, but all over the world. Until we get rid of these leeches in Washington, these PC Pussies who can’t seem to find their behinds with two hands and a Compass. And put our foot down, stop pandering to these Muslims and go after them with all the might that this country has. What is it going to take to wake up these so called “Leaders” of ours? These Islamic terrorist’s have no problems destroying their own countries and people, along with ours and so many others . And what do we do? We send money to them in foreign aid! We release the Islamic terrorist thugs that we have captured and they run like rats back to the battle field to kill our troops all over again!! What the hell is wrong with us. ,. Our government is full of widespread illiteracy, and lunatics. And these liberals blogs believe these idiotic stories like the New York Times “Investigation” of the Benghazi attack. And stories about these people here wanting more and more Gun Control! News Alert! We already have Gun Control, but the crimes are NOT committed by people who are licensed, they are committed by thugs, criminals, people who get guns ILLEGALLY!
Yes, this story makes you think about what the New York Times has to say about their “Investigation” regarding the attack in Benghazi is like hearing about Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust! Two of MY Pet Peeves!
Yes, just more tolerance from that Religion of Peace and Tolerance. Or the religion of Lying Murdering Satanist Muslims. Judge them and our leaders by their actions not their Lies!

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