Why did it take 2 years for the Obama Admin To Label Boko Haram a Terrorist Organization?
Because our Dear Secretary of State Hillary Klintoon , the one that Obama called “Wonderful” refuse to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist organization! But now that someone else has the job, she’s singing a totally different tune, saying that it’s “abominable, and it’s criminal, and that it IS an act of terrorism and it really merits the fullest response possible” Well DUH! And to quote Her Thighness herself, “What difference at this point would it have made”?
And the “Progressives” want a Clinton Presidency? Won’t these leftist nut cases ever learn for the past?
And now the whole wold is shocked that anyone or any group would be so damn brazen and cruel to be abducting hundreds of innocent young girls. So shocked that even our First lady has been running around with that Sad Face being photographed hold up those ridicules Bring Back Our Girls hashtag signs cardboard signs.

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