Hillary Clinton the Butcher of Benghazi

Yes, you read it right, Hillary
Clinton the butcher of Benghazi cancelled a speaking engagement to 700
people in San Diego after finding out the mother of a dead Benghazi
victim, American soldier Sean Smith, was going to be there. Apparently
Hillary is brave enough to dodge sniper bullets in a NON EXISTENT ATTACK
in Bosnia, along with her lying Daughter who backed up the LIE that
didn’t happen or in or near ANY specified place, but can't face a
Benghazi victims mother. This shows the pure cowardice and a guilty
conscience. And that she would make a terrible president just like the
president that she is protecting that currently holds the office.
Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and their Boss Barack Hussein Obama, all are
typical Leftist cowards and lairs.
Isn’t it too bad that our
LEFTIST media doesn't give Pat Smith the mother of Sean Smith, one of
the American soldier’s who was killed in the Benghazi attacks, the same
amount of coverage and support they gave Cindy Sheehan every time she
farted during George Bush's second term. But then again....”What
difference does it make at this point”? The Traffic jam on the George
Washington bridge is much more important to report on.
They already
know damn well who the people are who were responsible, but its not
enough, now it’s a witch hunt for Christie. Boy would it have been nice
to see the Jackass Democrat flakes do the same for Ambassador Stevens'
family and other family members of our Benghazi hero's.
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