Saturday, January 11, 2014

Bridgegate Vs.Benghazigate!

Isn’t it funny how entertaining the latest scandal is that the press is and redirecting their attention away from Gatesgate towards Bridgegate?
Just when Robert Gates just dropped a bombshell on Obama and a Atom Bomb on Biden. On my eyes, This is really a big f***ing deal , much bigger than a Fat Guy and a Bridge. Look, the president needs to find an issue to deflect on. This is what he's good at. I mean Benghazi is getting to be Boring.. Just ask the relatives of the 4 DEAD Americans!

 But, but, how can that be? Didn't the New York Times already tell us the conclusion to their “Investigation” about a week ago, and assured us all that the government had told the truth all along?  And that there wasn’t anything to cover up at all?
Yes they did, but we all know that wasn’t so.  We all know exactly what happened that day. And we also all know that our dear leader has be lying about it from day one.
But if you ask the lefties, or should I call tem the “Progressives” as they want to be called, but the truth is they are Communists and afraid to use the proper nomenclature, they'll tell you there was no scandal. What has the government has done since the attack?  And please don’t tell us that it’s nobody's interests except Hillary Clinton and Barak Obamas.  It IS in our interest!  I want to know what is MY Country, and MY President doing to protect the interest and the lives of Americans over seas!  .

Both Hillary and Omama  blamed a bogus You Tube video, period. And Hillary sacrificed Chris Stevens as a lamb and to tie up loose ends, by just trying to silent those survivors from talking to the press, until they all got their LIE rehearsed. .
And to this very day the White House refuses to tell anyone where and what Hillary and Obama was doing while these Men were dying in Benghazi. But we DO KNOW is that the next day the Campaigner in Chief was off to Las Vegas!
The obvious conclusion is that at the end of the day, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Barack Obama were ALL lying to the American People. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton make one hell of a team. If you need a team of PATHOLOGICAL LIARS  they’re the first ones you should call.

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