Monday, January 6, 2014

The Liberal Duck Dynasty Hypocrisy

The hypocrisy of  PC  liberals is astounding with a obviously complete  lack of logic ...  Let alone the Duck Dynasty Phil. Robertson case, bu the injustice of the George  Zimmerman trial and how if Treyvon had been the shooter it would have been a completely different story  for sure. They actually would have just let Treyvon off the hook from the get-go, not trial, no reward for finding him Dead or Alive, NO NOTHING!
I always thought that Liberals were supposed to be defenders of freedom of speech in America!
Or take the case of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, again the typical liberal view of the world the worst possible sin is hypocrisy. Liberals have managed to inoculate themselves against charges of hypocrisy by not expounding any moral principles. So when Bill Clinton cheated on his wife it wasn’t hypocritical, and hence he wasn’t a bad person, because he’d never condemned adultery, it was simply a case of “It all depends on what the meaning of the word is is”
Give me a break!  How can anyone come up with an excuse like that one?  AND GET AWAY WITH IT!   
Was THAT actually a genius play on words. while admitting nothing.?  No it was just a stupid response that in any other court of law would not even have been allowed.
He committed perjury. Period.. That is NOT acceptable. In fact, it's illegal. Any decent human being would have admitted it and gone on.  And in any other court he would have been a Laughing Stock!  Come on were do they get these clowns at the dollar store?   And to this very day, the call this man a "Great man"?   More Liberal Hypocrisy!

I remember when Americans believed in the First Amendment, Do we really need to punish everybody who says what they believe? The Liberals have no problem with what Bill Maher says, or is it because everything stupid he says is anti Conservative, and anti Sarah Palin, and that’s alright! Double standards lives again.  But make a negative comment on homosexuality, or about Blacks, or about Muslims and you are now found Guilty of being a Bigot and Racist.   But posting Cartoons picturing George Bush as a Chimpanzee is cool!
Attention liberals: the more you keep insisting that conservatives hate everyone, the more you make asses of yourselves.

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