Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Gun Controle! It’s Pathetic, But These Liberal Hypocrites Never Seem To Pass A By Tragedy They Won’t Exploit .

So how many of "your" Children would you sent to WAR?
That question is irrelevant now that we don’t have a draft. However, it is a great question to determine the commitment to be involved in a war. Ask yourself if you would be willing to send your son or daughter off to fight a war in Syria, or in Egypt, Libya, or Somalia, or maybe in Kenya ?
NBC news source says that.”There have been OVER 300 so Drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia and still counting” And that’s no counting Afghanistan!  Liberal hypocrisies?
Obama says he supports military intervention in Syria, Do you think he would send either of his daughters off to war there if they we of age?
Now I’m not saying that this is not necessary considering the conditions in the world today.  But I am speaking about the hypocrisies!
I ask you, is sending in these Drones to kill and or Murder people any different or any better than “Water Boarding” when “Water Boarding” can and does prevent the killing of possibly  thousands of American soldiers? And if so, then why isn’t “water boarding” justified? What's worst? There in itself lies the HYPOCRISY!  The hypocrisy of then Senator and candidate Obama and Eric Holder, as well as a host of others in the Obama Administration, who called water boarding cruel and unusual punishment!
But No worries, we will still Blame Bush!

According to Clive Stafford Smith: The new MI5 chief's recent defense of security services,  drone strikes go much further than simply killing innocent civilians,
In just Pakistan ALONE, over 176 children have been slain by Obama’s Drones. SIX times more than during Bush’s eight years in office.
And yet, American Liberals are protesting, and screaming to pass more and more  gun laws to "Save the Children”

The Progressives seem to always find an excuse to drag out their same old tired drivel every time there’s a shooting here at home. Blaming Rush Limbaugh, Blaming Fox News, Blaming the Conservatives on the internet, Blaming Sarah Palin,, Blaming the Tea Parties etc. Blame everyone but the sicko person who somehow got an ILLEGAL gun who was  responsible for shooting those people.

It’s Pathetic, But These Liberal Hypocrites Never Seem To Pass By A Tragedy They Won’t Exploit .

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