Monday, November 11, 2013

God Bless Our Veterans!

Thank You to All Our Vets, be it World War II, Korean, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans.  Thank You for your Courage, your valor. and your Patriotism. Thank you for your Service, and your Bravery.  God Bless You All and Your Families..

God Bless each and every veteran that ever served this Great Country.
Job well done.

God Bless Our United States Declaration of Independence,

And God Bless Our United States Constitution, And
God Bless Our Veterans!


Z said...

Did you see a little of Obama's speech today?
Stop by GeeeZ again, I wrote a comment about it.
Made me so SAD.

Great post..God bless Our Veterans,...AMEN!

The Debonair Dude said...

Amen Z..

Yes to the questions you asked.

WomanHonorThyself said...

hey there buddy..glad your'e still blogging.. and Happy Vets DAY! I ALWAYS remember our beloved troops and our blogger soldiers in the trenches too my friend~!: