Monday, October 7, 2013

People Get the Governments They Deserve.

It’s here. we’ve done it to ourselves. We’ve allowed these people who’ve taken over our country to have so much control over everything and everyone that we have led ourselves to the deterioration of America . . So now what?
We have allowed Michelle Obama to dictate what we can or should eat, and we’ve allowed Michael Bloomberg to tell us what what should and can drink and how much of it we can drink .  And now we see our country sinking further into fascism.

Face it my fellow racists! ObamaCare is here to stay, and I’m afraid that this is just the beginning. Just ask your next door Liberal neighbor.  Where were all of you Obama haters when Sarah Palin tried to tell you that.  You called her Nuts, and Crazy and every dirty name in the book.  But she was right! But you continued to hear the propaganda from the left and guess what?  Here we are, just a few steps from Socialism. we will continue to deteriorate here in America because we have this Ignorant bunch of uninformed degenerates, so called Progressive freaks out there who are determined kill this one-time Great country.  Yes, Ignorance is bliss.
How sad it is to see this country deteriorate. America was supposed to be the Land of Opportunity, a place where anyone could pursue one’s dreams.  Now it’s a place where the Sheeple, these liberal loons to come to get their “Free Stuff and kiss the behind of the one who feeds them.  I can't understand why anyone (aside from the Free-Loaders.) in this country still worships His bullshit,..
We see Americans going along with surveillance, our phone calls are no longer private, even the IRS is corrupt, we are seeing the destruction of our civil liberties, the dismantling of our Constitution, and the lefties seem to be very happy.  As they say.. People get the governments they deserve

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