Isn’t it funny how putting Panties on the heads of Terrorists gets the Libs so mad...BUT dead Ambassador’s and dead Navy Seals don’t!
Obama is incapable of telling the truth. Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice should be kicked out of Public Life for lying to the American public! And for collaborating, along with spreading Obama’s lies!
And how could anyone even consider wanting Hillary Clinton to be the President of the United States? How could this serial liar ever be trusted?
Please Wake Me Up From This Dream,,,, or should I say, Nightmare!
Monday, January 27, 2014
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Bridgegate Vs.Benghazigate!
Isn’t it funny how entertaining the latest scandal is that the press is and redirecting their attention away from Gatesgate towards Bridgegate?
Just when Robert Gates just dropped a bombshell on Obama and a Atom Bomb on Biden. On my eyes, This is really a big f***ing deal , much bigger than a Fat Guy and a Bridge. Look, the president needs to find an issue to deflect on. This is what he's good at. I mean Benghazi is getting to be Boring.. Just ask the relatives of the 4 DEAD Americans!
But, but, how can that be? Didn't the New York Times already tell us the conclusion to their “Investigation” about a week ago, and assured us all that the government had told the truth all along? And that there wasn’t anything to cover up at all?
Yes they did, but we all know that wasn’t so. We all know exactly what happened that day. And we also all know that our dear leader has be lying about it from day one.
But if you ask the lefties, or should I call tem the “Progressives” as they want to be called, but the truth is they are Communists and afraid to use the proper nomenclature, they'll tell you there was no scandal. What has the government has done since the attack? And please don’t tell us that it’s nobody's interests except Hillary Clinton and Barak Obamas. It IS in our interest! I want to know what is MY Country, and MY President doing to protect the interest and the lives of Americans over seas! .
Both Hillary and Omama blamed a bogus You Tube video, period. And Hillary sacrificed Chris Stevens as a lamb and to tie up loose ends, by just trying to silent those survivors from talking to the press, until they all got their LIE rehearsed. .
And to this very day the White House refuses to tell anyone where and what Hillary and Obama was doing while these Men were dying in Benghazi. But we DO KNOW is that the next day the Campaigner in Chief was off to Las Vegas!
The obvious conclusion is that at the end of the day, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Barack Obama were ALL lying to the American People. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton make one hell of a team. If you need a team of PATHOLOGICAL LIARS they’re the first ones you should call.
Just when Robert Gates just dropped a bombshell on Obama and a Atom Bomb on Biden. On my eyes, This is really a big f***ing deal , much bigger than a Fat Guy and a Bridge. Look, the president needs to find an issue to deflect on. This is what he's good at. I mean Benghazi is getting to be Boring.. Just ask the relatives of the 4 DEAD Americans!
But, but, how can that be? Didn't the New York Times already tell us the conclusion to their “Investigation” about a week ago, and assured us all that the government had told the truth all along? And that there wasn’t anything to cover up at all?
Yes they did, but we all know that wasn’t so. We all know exactly what happened that day. And we also all know that our dear leader has be lying about it from day one.
But if you ask the lefties, or should I call tem the “Progressives” as they want to be called, but the truth is they are Communists and afraid to use the proper nomenclature, they'll tell you there was no scandal. What has the government has done since the attack? And please don’t tell us that it’s nobody's interests except Hillary Clinton and Barak Obamas. It IS in our interest! I want to know what is MY Country, and MY President doing to protect the interest and the lives of Americans over seas! .
Both Hillary and Omama blamed a bogus You Tube video, period. And Hillary sacrificed Chris Stevens as a lamb and to tie up loose ends, by just trying to silent those survivors from talking to the press, until they all got their LIE rehearsed. .
And to this very day the White House refuses to tell anyone where and what Hillary and Obama was doing while these Men were dying in Benghazi. But we DO KNOW is that the next day the Campaigner in Chief was off to Las Vegas!
The obvious conclusion is that at the end of the day, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Barack Obama were ALL lying to the American People. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton make one hell of a team. If you need a team of PATHOLOGICAL LIARS they’re the first ones you should call.
Monday, January 6, 2014
The Liberal Duck Dynasty Hypocrisy
The hypocrisy of PC liberals is astounding with a obviously complete lack of logic ... Let alone the Duck Dynasty Phil. Robertson case, bu the injustice of the George Zimmerman trial and how if Treyvon had been the shooter it would have been a completely different story for sure. They actually would have just let Treyvon off the hook from the get-go, not trial, no reward for finding him Dead or Alive, NO NOTHING!
I always thought that Liberals were supposed to be defenders of freedom of speech in America!
Or take the case of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, again the typical liberal view of the world the worst possible sin is hypocrisy. Liberals have managed to inoculate themselves against charges of hypocrisy by not expounding any moral principles. So when Bill Clinton cheated on his wife it wasn’t hypocritical, and hence he wasn’t a bad person, because he’d never condemned adultery, it was simply a case of “It all depends on what the meaning of the word is is”
Give me a break! How can anyone come up with an excuse like that one? AND GET AWAY WITH IT!
Was THAT actually a genius play on words. while admitting nothing.? No it was just a stupid response that in any other court of law would not even have been allowed.
He committed perjury. Period.. That is NOT acceptable. In fact, it's illegal. Any decent human being would have admitted it and gone on. And in any other court he would have been a Laughing Stock! Come on were do they get these clowns at the dollar store? And to this very day, the call this man a "Great man"? More Liberal Hypocrisy!
I remember when Americans believed in the First Amendment, Do we really need to punish everybody who says what they believe? The Liberals have no problem with what Bill Maher says, or is it because everything stupid he says is anti Conservative, and anti Sarah Palin, and that’s alright! Double standards lives again. But make a negative comment on homosexuality, or about Blacks, or about Muslims and you are now found Guilty of being a Bigot and Racist. But posting Cartoons picturing George Bush as a Chimpanzee is cool!
Attention liberals: the more you keep insisting that conservatives hate everyone, the more you make asses of yourselves.
I always thought that Liberals were supposed to be defenders of freedom of speech in America!
Or take the case of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, again the typical liberal view of the world the worst possible sin is hypocrisy. Liberals have managed to inoculate themselves against charges of hypocrisy by not expounding any moral principles. So when Bill Clinton cheated on his wife it wasn’t hypocritical, and hence he wasn’t a bad person, because he’d never condemned adultery, it was simply a case of “It all depends on what the meaning of the word is is”
Give me a break! How can anyone come up with an excuse like that one? AND GET AWAY WITH IT!
Was THAT actually a genius play on words. while admitting nothing.? No it was just a stupid response that in any other court of law would not even have been allowed.
He committed perjury. Period.. That is NOT acceptable. In fact, it's illegal. Any decent human being would have admitted it and gone on. And in any other court he would have been a Laughing Stock! Come on were do they get these clowns at the dollar store? And to this very day, the call this man a "Great man"? More Liberal Hypocrisy!
I remember when Americans believed in the First Amendment, Do we really need to punish everybody who says what they believe? The Liberals have no problem with what Bill Maher says, or is it because everything stupid he says is anti Conservative, and anti Sarah Palin, and that’s alright! Double standards lives again. But make a negative comment on homosexuality, or about Blacks, or about Muslims and you are now found Guilty of being a Bigot and Racist. But posting Cartoons picturing George Bush as a Chimpanzee is cool!
Attention liberals: the more you keep insisting that conservatives hate everyone, the more you make asses of yourselves.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
An Investigation by the New York Times...Well That Should Certainly Settle it!! Not!
To hear it what the New York Times has to say about their “Investigation” regarding the attacks in Benghazi is like hearing about Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust!
Patricia Smith, mother of MURDERED Sean Smith, testified that she met with President Obama, Joe Biden, and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the day the four Americans’ bodies were returned to American soil. Mrs.Smith says that the three and lied to her about the cause of the attack.
she said “they were all lies. Obama, and Hillary, and Panetta, and Biden, and Susan Rice all came up to me at the casket ceremony. Every one of them came up to, gave me a big hug. And I asked them ‘What happened? Please tell me.’ And EVERY one of them says, ‘It was the video.’ And we all know that it wasn’t the video. Even at at time they knew it wasn’t the video. So they all lied to me.”
I guess that they DIDN’T all have Sons that looked like Trayvon Martin.
The NY Times, LIED just like the political thugs in the White House and in other high offices to cover it up, they were lies after lies just to cover up the unconscionable actions and total disrespect displayed by the Dear Leader and his cohorts who watched the Benghazi Attack in REAL TIME and DID NOTHING!
Yes, Barack Hussain Obama and Hillary Clinton stood before the caskets of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three slaughtered American heroes, three former Navy Seals, killed (MURDERED) in Benghazi, and lied directly to the American people!
Incredible? Unspeakable? You bet it was! Obama and Company knew right from the start the attack on Benghazi was a terrorist act, he watched the attacks unfold and they did absolutely nothing. None of them!
So if you even think of believing that NY Times so called “Investigation” and you aren’t pissed off as well, you are completely blind, or completely Brain Washed!
And EVERY AMERICAN should remember this failure to do anything about those who attacked our people that night and remember it VERY clearly when Hillary Clinton is running for the presidency.
What pisses ME off is that the Liberals seemed to be more concerned about the Americans putting Panties on the heads terrorist at Abu Ghraib then about what happened in Benghazi! Or was it because it was Bush was in offices rather than Obama!
Regarding the newest attack of the bombing of a hotel in Mogadishu, it seems as if the Muslims find joy in the murdering of innocent people in the name of their Idiotic, and Satanic Religion of Peace. Have we ever seen or heard of any condemnation of these acts from those Muslims who claim to be so peaceful? NO, in fact it’s unheard of because all non-Muslims are infidels who should be killed! And the killers of these heinous acts are labeled as Martyrs. What a Religion of Peace!
And the Fact Remains that these murderous cowards will keep it up all over the world, not just in Somalia, and not just in Benghazi, and not just in New York City, but all over the world. Until we get rid of these leeches in Washington, these PC Pussies who can’t seem to find their behinds with two hands and a Compass. And put our foot down, stop pandering to these Muslims and go after them with all the might that this country has. What is it going to take to wake up these so called “Leaders” of ours? These Islamic terrorist’s have no problems destroying their own countries and people, along with ours and so many others . And what do we do? We send money to them in foreign aid! We release the Islamic terrorist thugs that we have captured and they run like rats back to the battle field to kill our troops all over again!! What the hell is wrong with us. ,. Our government is full of widespread illiteracy, and lunatics. And these liberals blogs believe these idiotic stories like the New York Times “Investigation” of the Benghazi attack. And stories about these people here wanting more and more Gun Control! News Alert! We already have Gun Control, but the crimes are NOT committed by people who are licensed, they are committed by thugs, criminals, people who get guns ILLEGALLY!
Yes, this story makes you think about what the New York Times has to say about their “Investigation” regarding the attack in Benghazi is like hearing about Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust! Two of MY Pet Peeves!
Yes, just more tolerance from that Religion of Peace and Tolerance. Or the religion of Lying Murdering Satanist Muslims. Judge them and our leaders by their actions not their Lies!

Patricia Smith, mother of MURDERED Sean Smith, testified that she met with President Obama, Joe Biden, and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the day the four Americans’ bodies were returned to American soil. Mrs.Smith says that the three and lied to her about the cause of the attack.
she said “they were all lies. Obama, and Hillary, and Panetta, and Biden, and Susan Rice all came up to me at the casket ceremony. Every one of them came up to, gave me a big hug. And I asked them ‘What happened? Please tell me.’ And EVERY one of them says, ‘It was the video.’ And we all know that it wasn’t the video. Even at at time they knew it wasn’t the video. So they all lied to me.”
I guess that they DIDN’T all have Sons that looked like Trayvon Martin.
The NY Times, LIED just like the political thugs in the White House and in other high offices to cover it up, they were lies after lies just to cover up the unconscionable actions and total disrespect displayed by the Dear Leader and his cohorts who watched the Benghazi Attack in REAL TIME and DID NOTHING!
Yes, Barack Hussain Obama and Hillary Clinton stood before the caskets of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three slaughtered American heroes, three former Navy Seals, killed (MURDERED) in Benghazi, and lied directly to the American people!
Incredible? Unspeakable? You bet it was! Obama and Company knew right from the start the attack on Benghazi was a terrorist act, he watched the attacks unfold and they did absolutely nothing. None of them!
So if you even think of believing that NY Times so called “Investigation” and you aren’t pissed off as well, you are completely blind, or completely Brain Washed!
And EVERY AMERICAN should remember this failure to do anything about those who attacked our people that night and remember it VERY clearly when Hillary Clinton is running for the presidency.
What pisses ME off is that the Liberals seemed to be more concerned about the Americans putting Panties on the heads terrorist at Abu Ghraib then about what happened in Benghazi! Or was it because it was Bush was in offices rather than Obama!
Regarding the newest attack of the bombing of a hotel in Mogadishu, it seems as if the Muslims find joy in the murdering of innocent people in the name of their Idiotic, and Satanic Religion of Peace. Have we ever seen or heard of any condemnation of these acts from those Muslims who claim to be so peaceful? NO, in fact it’s unheard of because all non-Muslims are infidels who should be killed! And the killers of these heinous acts are labeled as Martyrs. What a Religion of Peace!
And the Fact Remains that these murderous cowards will keep it up all over the world, not just in Somalia, and not just in Benghazi, and not just in New York City, but all over the world. Until we get rid of these leeches in Washington, these PC Pussies who can’t seem to find their behinds with two hands and a Compass. And put our foot down, stop pandering to these Muslims and go after them with all the might that this country has. What is it going to take to wake up these so called “Leaders” of ours? These Islamic terrorist’s have no problems destroying their own countries and people, along with ours and so many others . And what do we do? We send money to them in foreign aid! We release the Islamic terrorist thugs that we have captured and they run like rats back to the battle field to kill our troops all over again!! What the hell is wrong with us. ,. Our government is full of widespread illiteracy, and lunatics. And these liberals blogs believe these idiotic stories like the New York Times “Investigation” of the Benghazi attack. And stories about these people here wanting more and more Gun Control! News Alert! We already have Gun Control, but the crimes are NOT committed by people who are licensed, they are committed by thugs, criminals, people who get guns ILLEGALLY!
Yes, this story makes you think about what the New York Times has to say about their “Investigation” regarding the attack in Benghazi is like hearing about Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust! Two of MY Pet Peeves!
Yes, just more tolerance from that Religion of Peace and Tolerance. Or the religion of Lying Murdering Satanist Muslims. Judge them and our leaders by their actions not their Lies!

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