Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Bernie- Hillary Show

Hillary Clinton was ecstatic. and grinning ear to ear at the Democrat debate also known as the Democratic Snooze Fest”  when retarded old fart Bernie Sanders the Proud, Self acclaimed Socialist and one of the front runners of the  "Democratic Socialist"
said that self-serving Line as well as Hillary’s,"The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails. Enough of the emails. Let's talk about the real issues facing America"
Madam Hillary Clinton was so delighted that she shook Old Bernie’s hand with that shit-eating grin on her face while her head Bobbled up and down like the Bobbleheaded Pig faced liar she is. However her  glee is shot lived because  Old Bernie doesn’t have the last word about this matter as it is up to the  FBI, and not a washed up Old fart like Bernie Sanders.
And Madam Hillary still is not out of the woods with the Benghazi event.  Many people like myself want to see her held accountable for her actions, or lack of actions while representing the people of this once great nation.   We want to see ALL  "anti-American scum" especially government official help accountable. There are many wives, mothers, daughters, fathers, sons, cousins, friends of those killed in Benghazi that disagree with Old Bernie and the rest of the crew!   And we find it remarkable anyone would not want Hillary held accountable for the death of their loved ones. 

And Jesse Jackson and Chelsea were dancing in the aisles!  But as Forrest Gump said "stupid is as stupid does"
Yes, Bernie Sanders fans, and the Hillary lovers and all the other progressives were whooping it up and hollering and applauding  at last weeks debate by claiming the scandal was just another GOP smear, or another “Right-Wing Conspiracy” but the feds have the last world on these matters so we will see.
We will also see what happens when the Bernie Sanders, Hillary Show continues...

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