Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New York Times publishes piece claiming that al-Qaeda was not behind the Benghazi attack, And I'm the King of Siam

Íve been reading these NY Times Benghazi articles for a few days now. It’s been a year and a half since the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, and the question is  why didńt the Times go to the PIAPS, aka Hillary Clinton who was the single, most knowledgeable source regarding Benghazi details  in order to provide the most definitive and accurate information.
In their “attempt” to provide a thorough investigation regarding the cover-up question. They seemed to miss seeing the forest through the trees. An interview with the POS would be have customary and expected. Such an omission reveals their agenda to help the cock and Bull story we have already heard. .
It was a coordinated attack from Al Qaeda, it is completely false to say anything else.
Hillary Clinton wants this to go away, and so does Obama.  Hillary Clinton needs to be held accountable.  But will that happen.  No! . By now we already know President Obama is a liar.

In other words, The heck with our integrity ... Just Protect Queen Hillary

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