Íve been reading these NY Times Benghazi articles for a few days now. It’s been a year and a half since the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, and the question is why didńt the Times go to the PIAPS, aka Hillary Clinton who was the single, most knowledgeable source regarding Benghazi details in order to provide the most definitive and accurate information.
In their “attempt” to provide a thorough investigation regarding the cover-up question. They seemed to miss seeing the forest through the trees. An interview with the POS would be have customary and expected. Such an omission reveals their agenda to help the cock and Bull story we have already heard. .
It was a coordinated attack from Al Qaeda, it is completely false to say anything else.
Hillary Clinton wants this to go away, and so does Obama. Hillary Clinton needs to be held accountable. But will that happen. No! . By now we already know President Obama is a liar.
In other words, The heck with our integrity ... Just Protect Queen Hillary
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
So, Obama Had A “Lousy Year”
I just read an article on line about Obama having a “Lousy Year” this year due to all the screw-up with the Obamacare website and his “Red Line” with Iran crap, the IRS targeting Obama's enemies, Benghazi, the Associated Press reporters' phone records, etc.
Well to tell you the truth, Íve had a pretty lousy year myself. And I know that Ím not alone. Well obviously that’s all true, but all I can say is too friggin bad. It was all his doing so he’s got to live with it.
But then, it́s always all about him. So lets put things in their proper perspective.
It was HIM that announced he would strike Syria because of its use of chemical weapons, and issues that Red Line warning, but was clearly reluctant to do so. Putin got him off the hook at the cost of an EVIL EMPIRE Dictator solidifying the USA and Obama .It was HE and his cronies and his Wife’s buddy that screwed up the ObamaCare website Royalty and costly. It was HE who was responsible for taking that selfie with Denmark’s Prime Minister at Nelson Mandela’s memorial and getting his Ass whipped by the Angry Michelle Antoinette AKA The Moocher.
Maybe, just maybe, he would focus a bit more on America’s problems and the suffering Americans, rather than, well, gloating about his so called accomplishment, and he would be a bit more humble, things might not be so bad. But then again, unfortunately there are too many Americans that are just too stupid to see through this community organizer for what he really is. But I’m sure as he basks in the sunshine in Hawaii, he really couldn’t care less.
And on another note* I still just can’t see how the Liberals/Progressives, and even the American Media can still say that Benghazi was not a scandal when an American Ambassador and three brave American Patriots were killed by terrorists and abandoned by the Obama Administration. Patriot Voices like mine STILL want to get to the bottom of this.
Friday, December 20, 2013
The PC Mafia

I'm so sick of these PC Mafia Race Idiots. Before I go further, let me make clear where I am coming from, I am not by any means Homophobia, in fact I do indorse Gay Marriage, but I sure as hell am against any one or anything that prevents anyone’s right to say want they feel, it’s call Freedom of Speech, other wise known as the First Amendment to the United States Constitution!
The mouthpiece’s for the progressives, Obama and his cronies!
I’m sick of these people wanting the heads of anyone who dares to exercise their Freedom of Speech! Every time a person dares to say a word that “may” be negative towards a Black, or a Gay, or a Muslim, they are either fired, fined, or it’s boycott time, if it were up to me, I would boycott every program on their network as well as their affiliated networks who are responsible for doing this outrageous thing. But it’s fine to say anything about the Catholics or the Jews, including that Friggen “Knock Out Game”.
It’s going to take a court and 20 yeas to decide that “Game” is a Hate Crime! I can remember it ver well when Don Imus referred to the Rutgers University Girls Basketball team as "nappy-headed hos". A Progressive Blogger spent a month writing blogs urging people to write letters to his sponsors, and to boycott their products.
Poor Don Imus had to kiss Al Sharpton ring to get his job back ! What the hell is the matter with this country and what are we coming to?
Like I said, I am not by any means Homophobia, in fact I do indorse Gay Marriage, but I sure as hell am against any one or anything that prevents anyone’s right to say want they feel, it’s call Freedom of Speech, other wise known as the First Amendment to the United States Constitution! And I am a fan of personal freedoms as well.
Although they are the first ones to holler foul when it happen to them, the crazy lefty liberals with radical anti-American PC agendas are all over anyone that dares to say how they truly feel about a subject even if it’s said in a perfectly respectful manor.
The man was ask his opinion in an interview and he gave it. This is Chick-Fil-A Part 2!
Why is it surprising that someone who is a Christian would believe what the Bible says? He was not condemning anyone, he was just explaining his view in a interview of the topic based on his beliefs. If you read the whole interview, you will see that he includes himself in the list of sinners as a recovering alcoholic!
There are no more intolerant, bigoted, hypocritical people on this planet than these , Holier than thou PC Liberal idiots period. The be perfectly honest, I don’t even know what all the fuss is about. Phil Robertson was stating his opinion. Is it a bigoted opinion? I don’t see it that way, but so what if it is! He has a right to have it. But does the A&E Network have the right to suspend him? There is where we differ. Being a “Bigot” is not against the law in this country. PC is alive and well in this country as is the stupidity of those who can’t stand anyone else not having the same opinion as they do. Speak all you want but the are always consequences to ones actions! But Free Speech is Free Speech, with an accent on the word “Free” You can’t pick and choose, no matter what the usual lefty goon suspects say.
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