Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Damage Has Already Been Done!

The Damage Has Already Been Done!

 It took Obama six days to renew his calls for a ban on guns in the aftermath of the movie theater murders in Aurora, Colo. Following is an excerpt from his comments to the National Urban League, and it took him only one day after yesterdays  tragedy at the Naval Yard in Washington DC.

I, like most Americans that hold our constitution dear to us , believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to bear arms. I also believe in the Bill of Rights!
and, THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS,  The Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees Americans the right to bear arms. Many Americans believe that without weapons they would be powerless if the government tried to overstep its powers and rule by force. Or if they or their family  are confronted by Hoodlums or Criminal either in the Streets or in their own homes.
Barry seems to have no clue that the main purpose of gun ownership is for Protection for one’s Life & ones Property !!!
 If Obama feels so strongly that guns belong ONLY in the hands of law enforcement officers and soldiers not criminals, then why weren’t the thousands of assault rifles that were sold to the most violent and dangerous drug cartels in this hemisphere sold to the Mexican military instead? Once again we backed the wrong side!
Obama is the most  narcissistic, the most incompetent, and dangerous chief executive our country has ever had ever to occupy our White House.. He makes Jimmy Carter appear brilliant, sane and coherent.
Hanoi John Kerry who was the worst imaginable candidate for any office but who nominated and appointed away, said in his impassioned speech on last week that Assad was a “thug” and a "monster", and that his action could not go unpunished. The president then not only embarrassed Kerry by postponing action before even conferring with him, but put on hold all in his administration who were getting ready to gather support for a strike, which, as the president said, did not require any vote by Congress. Yet he has now asked for a vote, one in which he has no assurance that he can win. He has opponents on both the Republican and Democratic side of the aisle, and they might very well have enough votes to go against his stated desire that a strike against Syria be taken. But luckily was saved by the Former Head of the Russian KGB! An embarrassment to say the least.  In the end, should he lose and it turns out that he was scammed by the Russians, it will not only be a further humiliation, but a damaging setback for the reputation and word of the United States. Our enemies throughout the world such as Iran and North Korea will be waiting in anticipation for such a failure. Already, celebrations are in from Syria, which has declared that their regime has already won. By delaying any action for what could be two weeks or more, Obama has given Assad even more time to assure that if a strike comes, it will not harm any of his troops, their weapons and their troops have been given plenty of time to be hid.
Let me end by saying that in a civilized society murder is not committed by law abiding licensed Gun Owners, but by felonious criminals who will obtain a Gun no matter how many laws are on the books. Criminals do NOT obey laws, background checks or what not!


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