Tuesday, July 30, 2013

So You Thought That You Heard It All?

AP. Headline!  “State Dept. orders evacuation of embassy in Yemen”
The State Department on Tuesday ordered the U.S. Embassy in Yemen evacuated as a result of the threat by al-Qaida that has triggered temporary shutdowns of 19 American diplomatic posts across the Middle East and Africa.

The department said in a travel warning that it had ordered the departure of non-emergency U.S. government personnel from Yemen "due to the continued potential for terrorist attacks" and said U.S. citizens in Yemen should leave immediately because of an "extremely high" security threat level.
"U.S. citizens currently in Yemen should depart. As staff levels at the Embassy are restricted, our ability to assist U.S. citizens in an emergency and provide routine consular services remains limited and may be further constrained by the fluid security situation," the travel warning said.

Yet in an interview
The State Dept says the US Embassy in Yemen WAS NOT "evacuated", but there WAS a reduction in staff. Operations have not been suspended.

I guess it all depends on what “Is” “IS”!  Or should I put it this way! 

Bin Laden is dead GM is alive. Al Qaeda is one the run. BUT WE are “evacuating our Embassies.  

But don’t you worry, have NO fears, Obama is on it!   Obama is on the Golf Course where he thinks best. and over the weekend he will make up his mind and tell us all what he’s going do when he’s on and the Jay Leno show.  Or while he’s relaxing on   and Martha/s Vineyard or in the Hampton’s where he can think best in the quite atmosphere of the beach.
Or maybe he should go in a hand shaking apologizing tour with his friend friends with them Putin?
Or better yet, maybe he should send Al Sharpton over to Yemen to protest against al-Qaida and tell them to  "Stand Your Ground"!

Oh Yeah, Obama has al-Qaida on the run. Right?  Running all over us!

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