Do the Democrats hate Ben Carson
because he is black ? Or Do the Democrats hate Ben Carson because he is
just to smart to belly up to their nonsense?
I actually think that
the Democrats, Liberals, Progressives ,and all the other Psychopaths,
Sociopaths, and all other maniacs, lunatics, and unstable people with
mental disorders and their sycophants in the media attack and lie about
Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow their orders.
This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because was a
man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished
brain surgeon with above average intelligence. He proves that you don't
need the slave masters of the Lunatic Democrat party to become
The lunatics in the media, as well as the Lunatic
Democratic Hate groups, with their Blogs, their Facebooks and what have
you will be running 24/7 to supply all the lies, the damaging made-up
stories, and the Race cards that the Hillary Faithful can either dig up
or make up.
Ben Carson is proving the truth that us Conservatives
already knew that the oldest American hate group in America (the
Democrat party) has never really changed.
The liberal sicko’s
the, screwballs, the kooks and the loon are scared to death that the
Republicans will elect a Black man and therefor put all their lies about
Republicans being racist to bed once and for all. But just wait, now
that he has taken the lead in the polls away from Donald trump who they
have succeeded to destroy, the ding-a-lings will go to work with their
VICIOUS LIES about Ben Carson.
After all, how dare he as Black person not be on the Democrat Plantation?
a Donald Trump Ben Carson as a Vice President make a great ticket, as
well as a nightmare for Hillary Clinton!...Or would a Carson and Fiorina
be a bigger nightmare for her.
Lets see, Obama was a community
organizer and won by a landslide, while Ben was only a world renowned
brain surgeon. How will he astonishingly low information stupid libs
will act on that revelation
Hillary Clinton was ecstatic. and grinning ear to ear
at the Democrat debate also known as the Democratic Snooze Fest” when
retarded old fart Bernie Sanders the Proud, Self acclaimed Socialist and
one of the front runners of the "Democratic Socialist"
said that
self-serving Line as well as Hillary’s,"The American people are sick and
tired of hearing about your damn emails. Enough of the emails. Let's
talk about the real issues facing America"
Madam Hillary Clinton was
so delighted that she shook Old Bernie’s hand with that shit-eating grin
on her face while her head Bobbled up and down like the Bobbleheaded
Pig faced liar she is. However her glee is shot lived because Old
Bernie doesn’t have the last word about this matter as it is up to the
FBI, and not a washed up Old fart like Bernie Sanders.
And Madam
Hillary still is not out of the woods with the Benghazi event. Many
people like myself want to see her held accountable for her actions, or
lack of actions while representing the people of this once great
nation. We want to see ALL "anti-American scum" especially government
official help accountable. There are many wives, mothers, daughters,
fathers, sons, cousins, friends of those killed in Benghazi that
disagree with Old Bernie and the rest of the crew! And we find it
remarkable anyone would not want Hillary held accountable for the death
of their loved ones.
And Jesse Jackson and Chelsea were dancing in the aisles! But as Forrest Gump said "stupid is as stupid does"
Yes, Bernie Sanders fans, and the Hillary
lovers and all the other progressives were whooping it up and hollering
and applauding at last weeks debate by claiming the scandal was just
another GOP smear, or another “Right-Wing Conspiracy” but the feds have
the last world on these matters so we will see.
We will also see what happens when the Bernie Sanders, Hillary Show continues...
Just How Stupid Does Hillary Think We Are? And guess what? If you support her, you really are!
After watching Hillary come up with
one lie after another to explain why she was using a personal server for
email distribution, and to answer a few simple questions wearing her
orange jump suit, you would think that at least the "Average American"
must be thinking, but as it turned out she lied again.
Once again she had been caught in another lie.
THIS is who the Dimwits are running for President? Hillary couldn’t
even shine Sarah Palin’s shoes when it come to Honesty. How can anyone
who is even thinking of running for the Presidency not recall whether or
not she wiped her server clean, when she had a professional do it? And
then asked if it’s done with wiping it with a “cloth”! It's a simple yes
or no question! If she is that incompetent, Hillary is a lying son of a
bitch, she should not be running.
Hillary is and always has been a
hideous candidate, even for a Democrat! How can anyone take a cheating
Lying evil women like her serious? She’s a lot more dangerous than
Donald Trumps Hair!
The Hildabeast is in some deluded state of
greatness seems to think the American public is buying her lies such as
landing in Bosnia under fire, and the list goes on and on and on... The
democrats are NOT drinking plain old Kool-Aid, anymore. Now, their
drinking Hillary's Douche Water. Because it takes an extra level of
stupidity to look past the LYING, the STEALING, and the INFLUENCE
And these FOOL’S on the left believe her LIES about
Benghazi? As if that’s a big joke! Jeff Foxworthy should be asking her
if she’s “Smarter than a Fifth Grader”! These Clinton’s are disgusting.
see now, Hillary Clinton. The wife of an impeached President. The
Failed Secretary of State. The Serial liar. Her husband gets caught
with his pants down, and she gets caught with her Pant-Suit on. What a
lovely combnation they make.
And just for the record, lets look at her “Accomplishments”
Hillary is too old.
She chalked up more air miles than any other Secretary of State!
She's lies more often any other Secretary of State!.
Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi! The worst of all, when not only did she
lie about Benghazi, but she failed to act in response to the attack, and
4 Americans DIED.
But, at this point, what difference does any of thismake!
We can’t forget her e-mail scandal.
Her Zero record of accomplishment.
She was fired during the Watergate investigation.
Remember her words about Iraq and other conflicts.
Her Dodging Sniper Bullets in Bosnia, with her lying daughter, and then “misspoke” about it.

"I remember landing under sniper
fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the
airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the
vehicles to get to our base".
Daughter Chelsea was jogging around the World Trade Center during the September 11th attack.
She was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first two men to climb Mt. Everest.
family was dead broke when they left the White House, when they only
made $12 MILLION the year after Bill Clinton’s Presidency. I guess when
you’re used to living off the taxpayer’s paying for your vacations,
private airfare, security, food, housing, and all, those things, you
forget about the few millions that you have socked away..
And Now She Blames Her Lawyers
Should I continue?
this is the lying, arrogant, abomination that these Democrats want for
their president? She’s even worse that Obama! If that’s at all
This is the latest "Hands up don't shoot" HOAX.
the little “Genius” didn't build that clock , he bought an old clock
from a Radio Shack or some other place like that and transferred it to
whatever the hell it was... . I knew from the very begining that there
was something fishy about this whole story. When Obama invited him to a
White House “Beer Summit”
His father is also running for president
of Sudan....a country he loves so much he wants to be
president....but....refuses to LIVE in.
Wonder what a nice civil rights lawsuit against a Texas town would do for his campaign funds???
is a hoax and a stunt they freaking planned. The kid was used as a a
political football. Only retard liberals are dumb enough to be duped by
Jugears, and a Muslim with a "cool clock"....The point is he cheated
and invented nothing, this was a HOAX from the Get-Go.
As Obama would say! “You Didn’t Build That Thing”

Ready for another “Right-Wing”conspiracy theory excuse?
watching Hillary cringing, and scrambling around to come up with a
credible lie to explain why she was using a personal server for email
distribution to answer a few simple questions wearing her orange jump
suit, you would think that at least the "Average American" must be
thinking, but as it turned out she lied again.
Once again she had been caught in another lie.
this is who is running for President? Hillary couldn’t even shine Sarah
Palin’s shoes when it come to Honesty, or even Smarts. How can anyone
who is even thinking of running for the Presidency not recall whether
or not she wiped her server clean, when she had a professional do it?
And then asked if it’s done with wiping it with a “cloth”! It's a simple
yes or no question! If she is that incompetent, Hillary is a lying son
of a bitch, she should not be running.
And these FOOL’S on the
left believe her LIES about Benghazi? As if that’s a big joke! Jeff
Foxworthy should be asking her if she’s “Smarter than a Fifth Grader”!
These Clinton’s are disgusting
Is Hillary Toast? Well, it’s sure starting to look that way. Hillary is
and always has been a hideous candidate, even for a Democrat! How can
anyone take a cheating Lying evil women like her serious? She’s a lot
more dangerous than Donald Trumps Hair!
The Hildabeast is in some deluded state of greatness seems to think the
American public is buying her lies such as landing in Bosnia under fire,
and the list goes on and on and on... The democrats are NOT drinking
plain old Kool-Aid, anymore. Now, their drinking Hillary's Douche Water.
Because it takes an extra level of stupidity to look past the LYING,

She "claims' to be fighting for women. What women?
The ones who her husband raped? The ones who let him stick cigars in
them? The ones she should have had the character and spine to stand up
to by dumping that sexual predator of a husband over? The ones that were
taken advantage of because they were young & stupid?
And yet some of brain-dead progressives can't wait to vote for her
because you're dumb enough to believe she believes the nonsense, and the
LIES that she spouts.
She placed her own power hungry ambitions ahead of ANY moral choices. It
shows that unethical conduct is tolerated in YOUR hypocritical party.
Scandals are becoming a trend in YOUR hypocritical party. Hillary is not
changing anybodies mind, except those who are looking for more Free
Stuff, or her Hypocrisy about forgiving student debt, or Free tuition,
or some new “freebie”giveaway, or who are used to buying crap from
Snake-Oil salesmen.
And these are the same folks that call Trump names, and make fun out of his hair!
His Hair? Give us a frikken break!
Deal with it, the Hildabeast is toast. And hopefully so is her Lying Daughter.
To you people who are arguing over
the truth or factuality of the Latest Comment by Donald Trump. (if
indeed it was factual). I’d like to ask you something... Would you
rather hand-over our country to the corrupt, lying Hillary Clinton or
another progressive socialist democrat hell bent on continuing Obama’s
transformative policies towards communism.
First off, lets agree that Megyn
Kelly targeted Trump from the get-go with the kind of provocative,
questions, that she did not and would never ask of any of the others on
that platform. There was no doubt in my mind that Megyn Kelly was out to
assassinate Trump that night. But, despite her and the other
moderators efforts, their attacks only made Trump stronger and gave him
an even higher standing in the polls.
Trump maybe a lot of things as
are most of the other candidates running, but you can bet your last
dollar that he is NOT a socialist, Communist, Muslim loving traitor who
follows Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals . I’ll leave that to Hillary
and the other progressive socialist democrats.
I would NOT trust Hillary Clinton to govern our nation any more than I’d trust Barack Obama.
But right now, I’m for Donald Trump. Yes, he may have a temper problem, but I know that he Loves this country.
you can Carry On with your rants about Free Lunches, Free Breakfasts,
and turning this country into the Land of "Entitlements" Slavery, The
Culture War, Racism, and more of Michelle Obama’s ridiculous bullshit,
like her excuse’s for people being be Jobless!